Friday, September 30, 2005

What ever happend to Rocky Horror?

I was a Rocky Horror Picture Show fan!

I was one of those crazies that dresed a part, knew every line, and threw toast..

The fun of an audience participation event, is indescribable to anyone that has never experienced a mob mentality, amid at having fun and laughing a few laughs.

Were we angels? Hell no.. but we were young and in love, and we had the evening, and the cry of "Chucky Grey he's okay , he's got no fuckin neck!"

Was it all innocent fun and games? hell no!
There was a lot of promiscuity, in the back row.. and in the front too.. cause "there's more room in the front"

Now years later, I am married, to a non-participant, that finds the whole movie repugnant.. and too sexually disturbing. (I guess.. she gets real bent if I try to watch it)

I wish that the Cocoanut Grove movie theater would have a form a class reunion.. it would be a blast to see my fellow conspirators again.. there was An, who looked like Colombia.. there was Meatloaf.. who looked like meatloaf.. there was meatloaf’s girlfriend.. I forget her name.. but she was a fine POA and looked like Magenta.. there was Bobby, who looked like Brad, and some dizzy biotch that looked like Jante, there was Sherrie’s old man who looked and talked and walked like Riff-Raff.. and I .. I was Frankenfurter.. sweet transvestite from Transsexual Transylvania.. and together we laughed and played, and made love into the night..

I miss them all.. so guys.. if you read this.. whatta ya say? A re-gathering of the cast of characters, from the ’83 – ’84 season? I miss you all.. and still think of you often.


  1. well. le tme think about visiting all of those great sites of yours... thinking.. thinking.. hummm.. how about NO! DIE YOU SPAMMER SCUMFUCKERS DIE!!!

  2. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Hey Rob!!! Cheryl leaving you a message here. I'm all about a reunion...Tell me when and I'm there! By the way, I here that RHPS is still played in West Palm Beach. I'll be there at the stroke of midnight. I'll act out "Paradise By the Dash Board Lights" again, after "Love Stinks" before RHPS. Love and miss you much! Many kisses, Cheryl

  3. in your honnor I will throw slices of spam in place of the traditional toast.
