Saturday, March 25, 2006

For Wally.. how ya like my Doggy Style!

This goes out to my mate Wally.. (aka Mal) he thinks he can up me in the video download competition with a little Tom Cruise in the Closet South Park viddy.. well my friend Touche' and take this !

While we're on the subject.. I think that Nix is a good one to send this out to.. he's living proof, that you can be male, sexy, smart, with nice breath and good spelling.. and still not get laid..
(I had twins last night biotch! okay sure they were just from the same litter, but that still makes them twins!)

later biotches!


  1. Mate, have you got that bitch's phone number? Friend of mine wants to meet her. And sorry...doesn't trump my Cruise in the Closet Clip. Whadya reckon readers? You do have readers don't you Rex? How come I'm the only cat commenting? Or can't your audience read and write - hey! 90 Million Americans can't. Why does that scare the shit out of me.

  2. it scares you.. because we got nukes!

    I can see it now.. "Just read the manual private"

    Private"uhhh okay"

    30 minutes later.. BOOM!

  3. PS. Yea I got readers.. 2 of 'em!

  4. Anonymous6:18 AM

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