Wednesday, March 08, 2006

here's a video I hope you really like..

Dig on this..

Hope you like..


  1. Did you know Phil Collins is gonna cut a track with Tammy? Yep. Read about it or not ...on my site. You Tammyed out yet? I think Technorati have blacklisted me. They're not putting any more of my posts up. Just when I was starting to have fun, too. Have a good day, Big Guy. Your Pal, Mal on the other side of the pond.

  2. I think it more likely Technorati has been compromised by a Tammy hacker. When I go to re-claim my blog by putting the embed in etc; somebody elses blog is posted - and I can't even claim that. But whatever's happening my Tags are being wiped.
    I've just scanned my iMac - nothing. So it's at Technorati end, I'd say. Meanwhile I'm losing Traffic to that German fuck who is just recycling our ideas.

  3. I hear that they are going to call it.. "Cumin' in your hair tonight"
