Wednesday, December 26, 2007

lets see now...

You Will Die at Age 61

You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...

And how you'll die as well.


Friday, December 21, 2007

merry Christmas...

it is almost Christmas!
merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

well i lost... again... booo

i have lost at poker... boo hoo!

i have been looking at a comedy central life of Dewey Cox interview it pretty much SUCKS!
oh well...

CC has some great stuff most of the time...

lets see if youtube has anything...

well it is something..

this is what they have to say...
America loves Cox! But behind the music is the up-and-down-and-up-again story of a musician whose songs would change a nation. On his rock 'n roll spiral, Cox sleeps with 411 women, marries three times, has 22 kids and 14 stepkids, stars in his own 70s TV show, collects friends ranging from Elvis to the Beatles to a chimp, and gets addicted to -- and then kicks -- every drug known to man... but despite it all, Cox grows into a national icon and eventually earns the love of a good woman -- longtime backup singer Darlene (Jenna Fischer)

thats another....

and another...

well that about sums it up....

buy it!

well lets post something...

i have been locked into my house for too long...
oh well...
lets see what youtube has to offer... shall we?

oh boy!

a little bit more on line...

more not available....


Monday, December 17, 2007

well aint that something...

i go and put a link hear... and it disapraed... sombitch!

and then some one puts it up my ass... oh the humanity!

well put that down to experience.

have a video...


lets see if they have another...

she's ok...

your day could be worse...

Indian Guy Has Panic Attack On Plane

you could have a seat next to this guy....


there is a whole bunch of India stuff... go check it out!

my christmas card...

merry Christmas!
like what is said inside the card... do send it to a friend!
(he he he)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hot Christmas present!

Hot Christmas present!

well some of you have asked...

there is your answer!

oh ya this one too...


i don't think so...

well today i played poker... and won!!!!

i'm even thinking of playing some more... maybe...

the phone has not rang once today... i can see where havening a stroke victim for a friend can be a sure pain in the ass.
oh well...

let us see what is being throne around youtube... shall we.

yep that about sums up all of it.

only makes sense this is part of associated link...

Alanis Morissette "My Humps" video....

my buys as of this moment..

Thursday, December 13, 2007

don't cry...

just kiss me...

together we will get through.


better.... ain't it?

thats whats playing over at Wally Word...

he has some really good ideas... worth a look.

well i played poker today... i got in the top 20 yaaaaa!

well today is good so far.

got to go....
be well.

I don't know about this..

i am moving at the end of this month.. and it just don't feel right.

i am probably making this in to a big deal... but i can't help it.

oh well...

i am playing poker... and losing... oh well it gives me something to do.

have a good day....


i am looking for something...

lets see if youtube has it.

got it!!!

A love song.... for vampires!

nice song....

one more...

Annie Lennox....

i do love her... well i love the music.

party on !

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ok so you want to see what amazon has?

well here you go...

you can even look for you own Led Zepplin doo-das

led zeppelin... kashmir

told you i cannot get enough...
damn they are good!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i have been working on something...

i have been looking for adds ... something that will keep my blog fresh...
tell me what you think...


jesus! this is taking too much time..

maby i will put more time into this... but not right now.


by the way these are avalble at


go ahead and tell me what you think?

Monday, December 10, 2007

sombiotch! today is weird!

i slept until 9:00
turned on the television and watched it until 11:00... then took a shower... need to get moving but don't wanna!

i am moving... need to pack some stuff... perhaps later I will feel up to it...

lets see what youtube has to offer...

so it ain't looking good...
oh well... perhaps later...

lets try tecnorati...

well it is better than nothing...
Britney Spears At Starbucks in Beverly Hills. 12-07-07

oh well...

Porsche girl

Porsche girl

Nikki Catsouras was just 18 years old last Halloween when she took her father’s Porsche without permission and while driving 100 miles an hour clipped another car, lost control and slammed into a cement tollbooth. She was killed instantly. Her parent, Christos and Lesli Catsouras were devastated with grief and thought things could not get worse but that is where they were wrong.

Nikki Catsouras was just 18 years old last Halloween when she took her father’s Porsche without permission and while driving 100 miles an hour clipped another car, lost control and slammed into a cement tollbooth. She was killed instantly. Her parent, Christos and Lesli Catsouras were devastated with grief and thought things could not get worse but that is where they were wrong.

Nikki’s parents are suing California Highway Patrol for leaking accident scene photos that ended up all over the internet. The girls parents have been tormented by anonymous e-mail’s that contain pictures of their daughter at the accident scene. One horrific photo shows the dead teen decapitated and still strapped in the front seat of her father’s Porsche.

The pictures made there way to over 1,600 online websites. The family no longer uses the internet and has pulled their 16 year old daughter from school because they fear other students might confront her with the pictures. She is now being home schooled. Read the rest at
and my mate... Malcolm has the crash photos.... click here if you dare!

iv been looking into a few affiliated programs...

tell me what you think...

Gift Card Lab - Create Photo Gift Cards Online

they do gift cards...
and - Printer Ink, Toner, & More

123inkjet... thay do printer ink, toner & more... i revenuer with them...

lets take a look at what is hot today...

its the talk guy... he is pretty funny.

here is one more for you...

enough for me...

i am not sayen much today..

so enjoy my silence...


and finally...

ok thats enough...

Katy French Irish Model ... Dies! at 24

can't believe it!
She is gone...
u will be missed!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Jenna Bush is engaged and more!

that will give you the scoop!
Hello it's Friday the 17 day of August 2007. I'm Rebecca Field with a UPI entertainment update. President Bush may soon have a new son-in-law. The White House says Bush's daughter Jenna is marrying her boyfriend Henry Hager. The two have reportedly been dating more than two years. They apparently got engaged on Wednesday. There's no word on a wedding date yet. Singer Amy Winehouse is calling off the remainder of her August performances. Her rep says she's putting the tour on hold for now to focus on getting healthy. She gave no other details on the singer's health problems. Winehouse was admitted to a London hospital last week for exhaustion. She postponed several performances last week. R&B singer Sean Kingston is holding on to his spot at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart. His song "Beautiful Girls" is topping the list of U.S. singles for the third week in a row. Fergie is also staying put at her spot on the chart. Her song "Big Girls Don't Cry" has been second for two straight weeks. Timbaland's "The Way I Are" featuring Keri Hilson is in third. The music industry is mourning the death of a jazz icon. A founder of modern jazz music, Max Roach, died yesterday at the age of 83. He reportedly passed away after a long illness in a New York hospital. Roach was among one of the early musicians to change the beat of jazz from it's traditional rhythm. Among his many accomplishments, Roach taught at the University of Massachusetts and also composed music for an off-Broadway play. One British photographer has been found guilty of assaulting Heather Mills. The man will serve 140 hours of community service for the charges. The estranged wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney says the photographer grabbed her shoulder while trying to get a picture of her in Brighton, England. That's all for now. Check out for the day's latest news and updates. Thanks for watching.


don't forget your taxes!
try this one

Can't live with em' can't live without them!

i did my taxes last year... don't ask me how...

well got ta' go'

last laugh 07... here it is....

here ya go... 07 on tape...

sorry those with dial up.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

going away soon...

why do i do it...

i played party poker... and i lost! boo hoo

we have snow... lots of snow!
i hate snow! - Printer Ink, Toner, & More

i have been thinking about putting some links in here....

what do you think? - Printer Ink, Toner, & More

lets check out youtube...

yep him again.... ohh well....

have some amazon.

Monday, December 03, 2007


i am trying to get this up on a web site... but am having no luck...
I know it is not the best... but it is the best /i have.


this one aint bad

i had every thing but death...
i had an anurisem. only spell correctly.

lets see if they got any other one...

that aint bad...

umm there a though....

if you want to make a donansion (aging spelled correctly)try

merry Christmas

oops almost forgot why i came...

my wife is taking my pills... what should i do?


oh god i am tired!

i took a couple headache pills last night... oh my god do thaye make you tired!


so lets go look at youtube

sherk... oh well

have some thing to buy...

Saturday, December 01, 2007

you just gotta love her...

you just gotta love her...

any woman that loves her rack like that!



you have to go see this,,,
I laughed so hard I spotted!

check it out

can anybody tell me ...

can anybody tell me how long it takes, to load this page?

leave me a message.

see perfect gift for those you have no idea what to buy...

i got one for you...

hit this link...
Custom Built Spas

a sine up... they sell how to books for making Hot Tubs...

if you get hits like i do, you could make $100 - $200 per month!
that ain't bad!

ok don't say i never gave you nothin!

whats worse than 2 girls 1 cup?

whats worse than 2 girls 1 cup?
2 girls 1 finger!
read about it here...

yikes! can you immage
ha ha ha!
I can....

3 girls 1 video...

check this out...


they grow herbs...

well its the weekend... are you doing anything? me? nah... I will sit here and play party poker... thats about sums it up.

AeroGarden® FREE for 36 Days!

but really check them out...

now on with the show...

i have noticed that people that have there link on other peoples blogs get there clicks from them... well a certain percentage from them. perhaps i will do something like that.

i only have to type this into there blog
my blog... with lots of porno

humm kida makes you go huuuummmmm.

Friday, November 30, 2007

before i forget...

my favored book!

you can buy it here!

zoey zane

visit here...

if you have any information

Thursday, November 29, 2007

ah ha ha ha!

thats too funny!

New speed bump release

Is Europe a country?

Funny video about a quiz show, where the question is about an obscure country called Hungary.

* quiz,
* show,
* american,
* idol,
* kelly,
* pickler,
* hungary,
* budapest,
* are,
* you,
* smarter,
* than,
* fifth,
* grader

Emily Sander, aka Zoey Zane, is the missing 18-year old Kansas Butler Community College student. The orthodoxical picture above mustn't be able to persuade anyone to believe Zoey Zane as a girl who led a double life as an internet porn star.

Link Tags: Emily Sander, Zoey Zane, Photo

from url...

give them a visit...


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

last laugh '07

just though you would like to know what ive been looking at...mostly 06 sucked... funny.

ahhh hell....

i don't like posting on days like this...

i have been looking for a long lost love... to no avail... oh well...

here have a video....

this is funny!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

why do i do it??? and Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize

I am loosing my ass at poker!
i suppose i could be trying to kill my self... this dose not feel much better... but oh well it gives me something to do.
Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize

now you have something to do too...

Band: Quiet Riot Song: Cum On Feel the Noize Album: Metal Health Year: 1983 Kevin DuBrow - Vocals Carlos Cavazo - Guitar Rudy Sarzo - Bass Frankie Banali - Drums


* Quiet,
* Riot,
* Metal,
* Health,
* Cum,
* On,
* Feel,
* The,
* Noize,
* Come,
* Noise,
* Kevin,
* DuBrow,
* Carlos,
* Cavazo,
* Rudy,
* Sarzo,
* Frankie,
* Banali,
* Slade


how to be Emo...

that about says it all....

i though it was funny...

i still cant spell.. and it is starting to piss me off. Oh well.

at least i can post...

guenna go...

Monday, November 26, 2007

ok it's a bit of a strech... but why not.

geo bush and that other guy...

why not?

okay lets take a mon. to look at youtube

ok its a little heavy on the music...

i am stuck at home with Mrs Whatsherface in have been trying i really have...

ah hell we all got to eat a little now and again...
a least it went to the store...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

2 girls 1 cup...

i found it...
warning it is very disgusting!
but the url is...


you want to see how it reacts with others?


Hulk Hogan Divorced!

hulk hogan to be divorced! ouch!

i don't know the reason but it sounds shitty!
linda hogan what are you doing...
what a shitty gift.

read this...

thats a biotch!

i am so pissed off...

ok you idiots read this...
oh ya...
then read this...

and keep reading... you idiots!

10 ways...

my speech is different... and my right hand side is fucked up.
but thats about it.

ok i'll go now...
This compilation of photographs from various sources was matched to one of my favorite songs by the late John Denver.
It is dedicated to Erica F. a courageous very young Canadian stroke survivor, mother of 3 who has shown enormous courage and determination under the most trying of circumstances by maintaining her determination and dignity.
The video reflects the initial sombre mood and helplessness that patients can display after a stroke followed by what should be in my opinion, our life's philosophy, as described in the lyrics of the song.
Listen closely to the words. You might learn something.
Cheers Erica!
Unauthorized use of this video is forbidden.
Please donate to The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
Who knows? YOU might need them next time!

good day....

and this too...

oh almost forgot this one...

i just saw a blog it was ...

i just saw a blog it was named "New"...
what the hell... it was about Vanilla Ice!

oh come on!

lets see what is hot at tecnorati...
thats what is mentioned.

now your video..

and there you go...

good by