Friday, April 06, 2007

breakfast club...

it is worth a second look...

well take one..

simple minds..

and an older version,,

cool tune...

and one more

Alice Cooper - Poison

very cool!
i feel good today... i hope you feel as well...

god dont eat poop! The Most Hated Family in America

oh boy....fag??

The Most Hated Family in America...please

put this up...

had to put this up...
chek it out... please...

veru funny!

Very Funy Mix - The best bloopers are here
Bloopers Ice Skating Sports Falling Crash Accident Athletic Rings Jumps

a load of funny!

hello yall!

time to put down todays thouges...
misspellings and all
i miss my work...
i miss my frids
i dont think i will ever get them back...
and that about sum it up...


this 'bout sys it...

Bill Hicks - Positive Drug Story


this is life...

according to Brian...

or on vsr

a reminder... thts better

ok whas up....
oh boy i feel like shit... ah well...
here is a little video...