Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Crank ... A movie

i watched Crank tonight... it was good ***
three out of 5 *****
rent a copy
or buy a copy

ghost chasing...

not bad...

and ahother

and of corse pananomal


fist bigfoot....then goast...

ooohhh scarry!

arty-farty shit!

thats funny!
now if well could a sell or shit...

let me give you the finger

thats funny!
now i give you the 6 millon doller man...

party on!

uhhh i dunnnt why!

a freid found it hard to logat me.
wow thts a bunch af mis spelled stuff...

have a vidio...

i love that movie...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

let go....

from a freids blog... kida cool.

and a chanc for looking at avril as well.


no not the Beatles kide,,, the real kind.

i am goin slowly nuts.
bit by bit

like this..

or maby

no thast not right...

more to come???

Monday, April 16, 2007

help... and other suff

if you have a fravoite band you can post them...
how woderful...

of curse it will nont maek the splleing any better...


look what i found...

it is a book that was preve on, well you know what i mean...

i hope you will give it a look.

and seeing where i am going to get this...

here are a few for you..

i hope that you like them.

looks like i was wrong

i do stll hate blind cops...


well i found..

well i have found out my probem... if i ad amzom links to my posts.. i get zip for yahoo banners
it sees my ads and will not post its own.
well no big deal.

its all them germs...

personasy my greatest fear...

reanult ad...

Funny French Car Ad - The funniest videos clips are here

great ad... by realult
i can not belive i can not spell reantlt... mother faaacker!
oh well you know what they say... try try again...

this is about as much typeing as i have done to my blog.

my landlord....

my landlord....
this is funny!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

What a wonderful universe we live in..

okay geek moment..

I love to go to the NASA astronomy picture of the day..

I love to see what the universe has to offer. NASA publishes many Hubble and other famous observatory pictures, I will usually keep one on my desktop to remind me of all the wonder that is out there.. keeps me feeling young, I guess, to know that all of my knowledge is such in infinitesimal speck.. is also a little humbling.

I hope you will go to the picture of the day, and take a look around.. you may find, that like me, you are drawn back again and again.