Friday, May 11, 2007


a bit of the old hello!
thoug i would bring you a little hello...
so Hello!

you say goodbye...

i say F it!

did i say F it? i shoued not have said that....
waht you do you wathe a to said!
i am just pratising... so far it looks like crap...
hace anoter vidio
f geting wouse.. yuck...

loks like i shoud stik to 10 wonds that led to ... i cat reanre... of fu**

good bye...

good bye...

thts my feeling....

good bye....

finding bolg...

what happping whene somebody finds your blog...
i still a mix emotions abobit it.
oh well...such is life...

weaher has been veay nies... seppling sucks
i feel ok
life is ok...

have a video...

ther you go...

Thursday, May 10, 2007


i am going on 0 sleep... hopefuly i will get sleep here soon.
in the mean time enjoy a vidio
spelling stil sucks

this is funny

good bye.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

hey you!

ive been looking for someing to sell you.. ;-0)

the answer may be,,,
Up to 75% OFF plus FREE Shipping on POWER SLOT ROTOR orders of $50 or more at Auto Parts Warehouse

ya got to love Auto Parts Warehouse...

okay enough of this bull...

have a movie... that can make you smile...

Unlucky People - The funniest movie is here. Find it

lets see what else they have...

Presidental Speeches - Click here for more blooper videos
go Bush

you've got to see this...

you've got to see this...
go now...

i've got to say...

now buy something fome me... will you, please

go read it...


it's relly a shame!!!

it is a shame...

it is shuch a sham that i cant spell...
i just took a potthre job office... we will see,,,
oh well that is what this blog is about...

blog = place to put crap

time for another movie


now amazon things...

ok go one more time...

i really like this band... you can proble tell huh!

a one more...

this is a loge one... but verry funey

fuck i can not spell.
oh well


how about a movie..

yep... thats about it

good day.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

ok, ok i know i promist.. but really you've

ok, ok i know i promist.. but really you've got to see this!

i will wait... go ahead

jesus,,, will he survie?

ok one more!

ok thats in bad taste...

DC vs Marvel

worth the click...

lets see what is ratings worthy,,, shall we?

of course... dommino pc


of coure Avlre who can be your girl fnd.

magnetic fields... Born on a Train

magnetic fields... Born on a Train

yea that pretty much sums it up.
i think i am going nuts... muct my feeings.

thay say that crazys never no... i wonder if this means i'm ok?

thing that make you go huuuummm

oh welll have a nother..

that last one should make you shake your bootie...

it's a talent...

all for you..

take care..

ps, bye...

he he he!

funny, i am watch a Evil Ekinel show... he was a bad mo fo!

hear is a evil vido..

oh well, must go..
Be Evil