Friday, June 29, 2007

i had to post this...

nothing like a youtube shower...

too funny!

Asians Go Hysterical Over NOELIA !!!

This is a video of Noelia - the Puerto Rican singer who is featured in a hard-core SEX TAPE going around the Internet at the moment. What's all the fuss about? Well it is full-frontal, completely naked, legs-wide-open sex with a well-hung black man and it features ANAL. The story is that the tape was posted on the internet by a disgruntled boyfriend. But happily it just coincides with a Noelia tour and the release of her first album in English. Anyone smell a set-up?

So that's the copy I wrote in English and then translated into Chinese (Cantonese) using this free service -

这是Noelia录影-在当时在互联网四处走动的一卷核心部分性磁带以为特色的Puerto Rican歌手。 什么是所有忙乱? 很好它是充分前面的,完全地赤裸,腿宽打开性与一个很好垂悬的黑人,并且它以肛门为特色。 故事是磁带在互联网被张贴了由一个不悦的男朋友。 但它与Noelia游览和她的第一个册页发行愉快地相符用英语。 任何人嗅到设定?
And then I checked it - "This was the Noelia video recording - in at that time a volume core part magnetic tape which took a walk in all directions in the Internet thinks characteristic Puerto the Rican singer. What is all flustered? Very good it is full front, completely naked, the leg width opens the nature the black who very good hangs with one, and it take the anus as the characteristic. The story was the magnetic tape has been posted in the Internet by a disgruntled boyfriend. But it tallies happily with the Noelia tour and her first album release uses English. Anybody smells the hypothesis?"
Got that? "It take the anus as the characteristic. Anybody smells the hypothesis?"Now let's see what the Japanese translation throws up shall we? So here's the same copy translated into Japanese -
これはNoeliaのビデオ-インターネットを今行き渡るハードコアの性テープで特色になるPuerto Ricanの歌手である。 約all the空騒ぎは何であるか。 よくそれは完全正面、完全に露出した、足広開けるよ掛けられた黒人男性が付いている性をであり肛門を特色にする。 物語はテープがむっとしたボーイフレンドによってインターネットで掲示されたことである。 しかし幸福にそれは英語の彼女の最初アルバムのNoelia旅行そして解放とちょうど一致する。 だれでも組み立てをかぐか。
And reading it back we get - "This the video of Noelia - Internet is the singer of Puerto Rican which with the characteristic tape of the hard core which now spreads becomes the feature. Is approximately all the great fuss about nothing what? The complete front, it exposed that well completely, foot wide you open, it is the characteristic where the black man who was applied has been attached and the anus is designated as the feature. The story is to be posted with Internet by the boyfriend whom the tape will be angry. But that matches Noelia travelling and release of her first album of English happily exactly. With who assembly [gu]?"
"it is the characteristic where the black man who was applied has been attached and the anus is designated as the feature". Exactly. My point entirely.
Now let's have a crack at the Koreans shall we? -
이것은 Noelia의 영상 - 인터넷을 바로 지금 돌아가는 핵심 성 테이프에서 특색지어지는 Puerto Rican 가수이다. 대략 모든 소란은 무엇인가? 잘 그것은 가득 차있 정면, 완전하게 적나라한, 다리 넓 연다 잘 걸린 흑인과 가진 성을 이고 항문을 특색짓는다. 이야기는 테이프가 언짢은 남자 친구에 의해 인터넷에 배치되었다 이다. 그러나 행복하게 그것은 영어로 그녀의 첫번째 앨범의 Noelia 투어 그리고 방출로 다만 투합한다. 누군가는 체제를 냄새맡는가?
And back into Engrish (stet)
"This Noelia images - peculiarity is Puerto Rican singers who come to come from the core characteristic tape which goes back the Internet rightly now. Are the approximately all riots what? It the car [iss] the front, completely well full, it was naked, the leg [nelp] it opens and the anus with the black who is caught well the characteristic which it has and peculiarity it makes. Talk the tape freezes and [ccanh] in compliance with the boyfriend it was arranged in the Internet. Happily but, it only coincides with Noelia tour and an emission of her first album with English. The troublesome army song sniff a setup?"
WTF? "The troublesome army song sniff a setup?" Blimey...I hope the paid version of this translation service does a better job otherwise God-Only-Knows what you could be writing to your business associates in the East.
"Dear Mr Wu, I look forward to getting together with you after the A.N.A. meeting and we can talk business" is likely to be transcribed as -

"Mr Wu Dearest, I really want to fuck you in the bum after hours and we can talk dirty".
Oh yeah...nearly forgot the link to The Tape. It's either this first link or this other one - my dopey IT guy has mixed them up but never mind. You'll find what you want on either of those links. Definitely NSFW, campers. Is approximately all the great fuss about nothing what? Cheerio campers, Lambe, Paris.


that is some blogging!

Hot tub and Spa Survey.. things to ponder.. no tammy nyp

Hot tub and Spa Survey.. things to ponder.. no tammy nyp

Hot Tub Survey:
Interesting facts to consider.
(Info stolen shamelessly from Hot Tub Information Central)

Consumer polling section:

Which of the following was most important in choosing a spa / hot tub
Size 6%
Jet count 2%
Horsepower 2%
Price 23%
Brand 12%
Dealer Reputation 23%
Design 22%
Other (none of the above) 11%

How often do you use your spa?
More than once per day 2%
Once per day 9%
3-6 times per week 60%
once or twice per week 21%
less than once per week 2%
less than once a month 4%
None of the above 2%

How many spa dealers will you / did you visit before buying?
1 – 7%
2-3 – 48%
3-4 – 28%
5-6 – 13%
more than 6 – 2%
None will buy online or used. – 2%

How important is price in your buying decision?
The most important: 5%
Very Important: 43%
Important: 43%
Not very important: 7%
Not a consideration: 2%

How important is Service after the sale?
The most important: 42%
Very Important: 30%
Important: 16%
Not very important: 7%
Not a consideration: 5%

How important is the design of the spa / hot tub in your buying decision?
The most important: 23%
Very Important: 67%
Important: 9%
Not very important: 0%
Not a consideration: 0%

How many people on average use your spa at one time?
1- 9%
2 – 75%
3 – 9%
4- 5%
5 – 2%
6 – 0%
more than 6 – 0%

(Current Spa owners only! ) How much did you spend for your spa?
>$1000 – 4%
$1000 - $2000 – 6%
$2000 - $3000 – 4%
$3000 - $4000 – 20%
$5000 - $6000 – 22%
$6000 - $7000 – 10%
$7000 - $8000 – 14%
$8000- $9000 – 8%
$9000 - $10,000 – 6%
>$10,000 – 4%

(Current Spa Shoppers only! ) How much do you plan to spend for your new spa?
>$1000 – 0%
$1000 - $2000 – 5%
$2000 - $3000 – 27%
$3000 - $4000 – 32%
$5000 - $6000 – 18%
$6000 - $7000 – 5%
$7000 - $8000 – 5%
$8000- $9000 – 5%
$9000 - $10,000 – 5%
>$10,000 – 0%

(Current Spa Dealers only! ) What is the average spa sale in your store?
>$1000 – 8%
$1000 - $2000 – 0%
$2000 - $3000 – 4%
$3000 - $4000 – 4%
$5000 - $6000 – 15%
$6000 - $7000 – 35%
$7000 - $8000 – 23%
$8000- $9000 – 8%
$9000 - $10,000 – 4%
>$10,000 – 0%

Spa and Hot Tub Dealer polling section

Do you charge a trip or travel fee for warranty service?
Yes, always – 61%
No, never – 11%
Sometimes: Depends on the distance to the tub. – 22%
Sometimes depends on the nature of the call – 0%
Sometimes depends on the attitude of the customer. – 0%
I do not understand the question. – 6%

Dealers: Do you sell the chemicals to treat the spas / hot tubs you sell?
Yes – 100%
No – 0%
Some but not all – 0%

Dealers: Do you sell aftermarket items for the spas / hot tubs you sell?
Yes, we have many items – 79%
Yes, we have a few items – 7%
We only sell covers and chemicals – 7%
We sell chemicals only – 0%
No we do not have any items for after the sale.- 0%
Other – 7%

DEALERS ONLY: What is the most important factor in deciding to sell a brand or line of spas.
Cost – 13%
Features – 0%
Design – 0%
Brand Name – 7%
Factory Support – 73%
Warranty Duration – 0%
Ease of Warranty usage- 0%
Dependability of Product – 0%
Other – 7%

A special note: This information is being used with the express written permission of the webmaster of hot tub info central

All rights reserved by Hot Tub Info Central.

Permission to duplicate or distribute this in part or in whole in writing, electronic format or other medium should be requested of the webmaster at Hot Tub Info Central prior to distribution.
For further information please see Hot Tub Information Central

Thanks Doc.

Hot tub and Spa Survey.. things to ponder.. no tammy nyp

Hot tub and Spa Survey.. things to ponder.. no tammy nyp

Hot Tub Survey:
Interesting facts to consider.
(Info stolen shamelessly from Hot Tub Information Central)

Consumer polling section:

Which of the following was most important in choosing a spa / hot tub
Size 6%
Jet count 2%
Horsepower 2%
Price 23%
Brand 12%
Dealer Reputation 23%
Design 22%
Other (none of the above) 11%

How often do you use your spa?
More than once per day 2%
Once per day 9%
3-6 times per week 60%
once or twice per week 21%
less than once per week 2%
less than once a month 4%
None of the above 2%

How many spa dealers will you / did you visit before buying?
1 – 7%
2-3 – 48%
3-4 – 28%
5-6 – 13%
more than 6 – 2%
None will buy online or used. – 2%

How important is price in your buying decision?
The most important: 5%
Very Important: 43%
Important: 43%
Not very important: 7%
Not a consideration: 2%

How important is Service after the sale?
The most important: 42%
Very Important: 30%
Important: 16%
Not very important: 7%
Not a consideration: 5%

How important is the design of the spa / hot tub in your buying decision?
The most important: 23%
Very Important: 67%
Important: 9%
Not very important: 0%
Not a consideration: 0%

How many people on average use your spa at one time?
1- 9%
2 – 75%
3 – 9%
4- 5%
5 – 2%
6 – 0%
more than 6 – 0%

(Current Spa owners only! ) How much did you spend for your spa?
>$1000 – 4%
$1000 - $2000 – 6%
$2000 - $3000 – 4%
$3000 - $4000 – 20%
$5000 - $6000 – 22%
$6000 - $7000 – 10%
$7000 - $8000 – 14%
$8000- $9000 – 8%
$9000 - $10,000 – 6%
>$10,000 – 4%

(Current Spa Shoppers only! ) How much do you plan to spend for your new spa?
>$1000 – 0%
$1000 - $2000 – 5%
$2000 - $3000 – 27%
$3000 - $4000 – 32%
$5000 - $6000 – 18%
$6000 - $7000 – 5%
$7000 - $8000 – 5%
$8000- $9000 – 5%
$9000 - $10,000 – 5%
>$10,000 – 0%

(Current Spa Dealers only! ) What is the average spa sale in your store?
>$1000 – 8%
$1000 - $2000 – 0%
$2000 - $3000 – 4%
$3000 - $4000 – 4%
$5000 - $6000 – 15%
$6000 - $7000 – 35%
$7000 - $8000 – 23%
$8000- $9000 – 8%
$9000 - $10,000 – 4%
>$10,000 – 0%

Spa and Hot Tub Dealer polling section

Do you charge a trip or travel fee for warranty service?
Yes, always – 61%
No, never – 11%
Sometimes: Depends on the distance to the tub. – 22%
Sometimes depends on the nature of the call – 0%
Sometimes depends on the attitude of the customer. – 0%
I do not understand the question. – 6%

Dealers: Do you sell the chemicals to treat the spas / hot tubs you sell?
Yes – 100%
No – 0%
Some but not all – 0%

Dealers: Do you sell aftermarket items for the spas / hot tubs you sell?
Yes, we have many items – 79%
Yes, we have a few items – 7%
We only sell covers and chemicals – 7%
We sell chemicals only – 0%
No we do not have any items for after the sale.- 0%
Other – 7%

DEALERS ONLY: What is the most important factor in deciding to sell a brand or line of spas.
Cost – 13%
Features – 0%
Design – 0%
Brand Name – 7%
Factory Support – 73%
Warranty Duration – 0%
Ease of Warranty usage- 0%
Dependability of Product – 0%
Other – 7%

A special note: This information is being used with the express written permission of the webmaster of hot tub info central

All rights reserved by Hot Tub Info Central.

Permission to duplicate or distribute this in part or in whole in writing, electronic format or other medium should be requested of the webmaster at Hot Tub Info Central prior to distribution.
For further information please see Hot Tub Information Central

Thanks Doc.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

i am posting Family Guy

this was funny...

i like this too...

and then you have this..

and let ua not forget this...

and this...

and that

ok so if you like family guy you love my blogg... share it...
if you can not stand the family guy... email a link to your enemis.


If U Dont Belive In Ghosts Wait Til U See This - More bloopers are a click away


how about that?

and now amazon..

so there you go...
i am off...

funny ha ha ha


or scary

you chose

hey! go do this

my fried is piss off at blogger...
so now go vist him at

he will feel better
plus he has movies and videos....

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

i fond this...

make my pee....
just thoug you wold like this...

sex, doung, youtube

do you knwo whyy

i found it!

i found it!

it is 17 minutes

i don't kwno hoe you feel about the alien aouttopey

but this givs you some thing tp talk about

buy some thing
good day

oh my oh my! sex!

Noelia and Sexy Girls on YouTube

Uploaded by wallyworld

sexey girl!

now to place a bunch of kaywods here..
sorry i dont speel well enough!

but i did get the majoity here

thas walley
good bye...for now

Yep...the two hottest tags on Technorati right now. The spammers are attacking YouTube with sexy girl videos like there's no tomorrow. They've worked out that all you need do for hits is drop a Sexy Girl stillframe right smack in the centre of your video and YouTube will use that as your thumbnail - and of course your Hits go off the Richter. But that's soft-porn - it's got nothing on the Noelia Sex Tape that's doing the rounds at the moment. I smell another TammyNYP feeding-frenzy. The tape is out there but its hard to find (hard to find ha ha) and some profiteers are charging for the Download. Not me. I can steer you straight to it. But I wouldn't mind a beer for my efforts - took me hours to find this. It's definitely Hard Core (with anal) and absolutely Not Safe For Work. Who is this Noelia you ask? She's a Puerto Rican singer - very popular in the latino world. And they reckon this is definitely her in this video because you can clearly see a large Tattoo on her right lower tummy - which she's flashed before, I take it. OK OK here's the link...but no kidding...this is pretty raunchy stuff...don't say I didn't warn you - Noelia Like You've Never Seen Her before . Now my host is going to want a Please explain so you better get in quick before they make me delete the link.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

one more thouugt...

i was just plaing party pocker
spelled diffrent///
it is one thing that a stroke pantent can do...

just thunt you would like to know...

he is a video

thats a strang dog...

yuo even strager

okay this more like it..

a now the real car

and now some amason stuff...

and thats a wrap...
good day

check this out

you deserve to be famos don't you...

go on do it...

Monday, June 25, 2007

oh i've got a store to tell you...

it is just to bad i con not type...
oh well
looks likes you will have to wiat...

in the mein time , here is a video..

Hot Blonde Drives Ferrari

Posted May 30, 2007

Yes, it's the clip thats made the rounds over and over on the net and still gets play. But seriously, check out, they really do have soem dope clips.

Tight thong

Posted Jun 04, 2007

A hot, sexy girl shakes her booty as she washes her car.

My Oh Mia!

Posted Sep 19, 2006

Mia makes us say, oh my.

ha ha ha!

Kyra Stripper

Posted Sep 19, 2006

Makes ya wish your girlfriend was a stripper too.

ho ho ho!

this wish by nice;;;

i still can not type...
oh well

is your bloger acc fucked?

my blog acc is fine... but i here from people thirs is fucked...
of coore i have a stokte to deal with...

any way here is a video...

or even wore...

that will do ya.

or go here for some...