This is just my little place in the world to blog about whatever comes to mind. I plan to review books, movies, music, bands, bars food and restaurants, along with my wife, step sons, marriage past and present, anything is fair game! and AVM's
No that's no BUNNY suit! That's a friggin abominable snow man (aka Yeti!) That's one freaky bitch! Now if I could only get my hands on a yeti suit.. a gallon of KY and 10 minutes alone with Asia Carrera??
I love coffee.. and inyourfaceforbreakfast Okay you all know mal he's the crazy aussie cunt that started he has resently started a new project called inyourfaceforbreakfast a sort of volg informational site..
I plan on participating.
Personally I think that the site's mascot should be the Palm Civet. (Cute little fuck ain;t he?... kinda like me.. )
Why? Oh you are a silly bunch o' fukcers ain;t ya?There is a coffee.. (I love coffee) that sells for around $300 a pound.. yep I did not typo that I said "$300"!
What makes it so special.. well it passes through the digestive track of a palm civet! and is then picked out of the poo roasted to a delightful brown and brewed into an INYOURFACEFORBREAKFAST muthafuckin' blend!
That's right.. Civet Poo!
Don;t belive me.. well you doubting thomases go take a read at
me? i aint too bad... i am board, but otherwise i am fine.
i'm a feeling real groovy...
but it sure sounds better than the truth....
oh well...
i feel like i have had a stoke... oh well.
i think i am getting better... so that has to count for something.
wana buy something?
yea! the beatles...
oh thats funny! it is a prison. oh thats rich!!!!
",500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice! This is not the final routine, and definitely not a punishment! just a teaser."
the other thing that i had to do today is this..........................................................................................................................
why is my going south! shue i had a stroke but have the people on there act like they have had one. oh well. here have a pic of me... if i can find one.
i may have misspelled that url? but i think i got it right.
then i can always ask you to buy something
now go do something with your day. presents: I Got a Crush on Obama. Seen on over 200 TV stations around the world! Created by: Ben Relles Starring: Amber Lee Ettinger Vocals: Leah Kauffman Music Producer: Rick Friedrich Directed, shot and edited: Larry Strong nd Kevin Arbouet. Click the Orange SUBSCRIBE button: Lots more to come in the next few weeks.
Debate '08: Obama Girl vs Giuliani Girl It's on! The follow up to "Crush on Obama" debuts this week. Pillow fights and dance offs and all the other things that go on over the course of a typical campaign. Subscribe to our YouTube channel...the next chapter is coming soon. Vocals performed by: Leah Kauffman. Song produced by Rick Friedrich Directed and Edited by Kevin Arbouet and Larry Strong Director of Photography: Patryk Rebisz Created by Ben Relles Starring Amber Lee Ettinger and Adelina (and friends) Watched by people who go to YouTube.
"I Got a Crush...On Obama" By Obama Girl crush, on, barack, obama, girl, campaign, song, hillary, 2008, election, amy, hot, amber, lee, ettinger, sexy, darren, daulton, underwear presents: I Got a Crush on Obama. Seen on over 200 TV stations around the world! Created by: Ben Relles Starring: Amber Lee Ettinger Vocals: Leah Kauffman Music Producer: Rick Friedrich Directed, shot and edited: Larry Strong nd Kevin Arbouet. Click the Orange SUBSCRIBE button: Lots more to come in the next few weeks! funny!
READ A BOOK! READ A BOOK! The Animated Video for Read a Book as seen on BET. Music by Bomani "D'Mite" Armah. Video produced by Six Point Harness. Directed by Tyree Dillihay. When will these candidates learn to turn or take off their microphones? At the end of an NAACP Presidential Forum in Detroit in which fringe candidates Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich repeatedly upstaged the top two tiers, John Edwards approached Hillary Clinton at her podium and, perhaps forgetting that microphones were still on, can clearly be heard saying "we should think about at some point... maybe some time in the fall, we'll try to have a more serious debate with a smaller group of people." Hillary agreed with Edwards, saying "We've got to cut the numbers of these, because they are just being trivialized." Edwards responded "And they're not serious. They're not serious," then walked away. Hillary caught up to him to add "I think there was an effort by our campaign to do that, but it somehow got detoured," saying "We've gotta get back to it." While shaking Dennis Kucinich's hand, she added "our guys should talk."