Saturday, August 18, 2007

my angel is goan...


it has been some time
but my angel is still
right hear!

i am away from her by distance,,, but that is all.
good day to you, my fine malches!

funny how one person can have so little to typte but thats how i get by.

want a movie?
okay, here is one.
oops... aint got one....
boo hoo...

found it...

what to do....

It is funny that you can think you have some thing worth typing and then you get nothing when you sit down to type.

oh well.

have a vidio...

what a load...

try this on...

thats better...

here have something to buy...

there ya go...

Friday, August 17, 2007

ever know a Kyes's mom!

oh klels mom!

South Park, Kyle, Mom, Bitch, Sing, Along

ufo over Haiti....

shot on the evening of august 6th 2007

go ahead take a look...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I woke up... almost a year had goan....

I woke up... almost a year had gone...

It is funny the way you wake up from a coma...

a strange feeling running a thru...

The fact that you have been sleeping,,, and not truly sleeping all at the same time.

This is where we start
“Demons and Devils...”

The first thing i remember... beyond the hand of my lover... was a demoed... she had manged
to sit on my chest... she was shouting some thing...

Bamn... three days passed.
This time the devil sat alone in my room...he asked “Do you want to come with me?”

To that I could only cry...

More tomorrow...

free video...

it aint Tammy, and it is no Noelia,,, but if will have to do.

Video of and interview with Vice President Cheney in 1994 saying that invading Iraq would create a quagmire. (This video aired on C-Span)
cheney, iraq, war, moveon

here lets see some thing funny...

say what! unbelevabl! misspelled...

okay last one...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

god damn it....

i still have a cold!
ahhh well...
have a video...

ahh ha ha ha!

Mad TV Spishak Bris-o-tine

there you go....