Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hoang Thuy Linh

The video appeared to show the 19-year-old actress in a popular TV soap opera having sex, the BBC said. The four students could be sent to jail for up to three years if convicted for “dispersing illicit material of sexual content.”

They were arrested in Hanoi for allegedly copying the 16-minute video clip, filmed by mobile phone, from the boyfriend's computer. A five-minute version was posted on YouTube last week

Hoang Thuy Linh was fired from her role in Vang Ang's Diaries and disgraced for violating Vietnamese cultural values. The show was dropped from Vietnamese television.

The report said authorities were investigating 10 more people, some studying abroad, for “storing, transporting and dispersing illicit material.”

Book review....

it gets veary high marks!
as dose
Marketa (Hardcover)

Come Closer

there are thee for you...

this is strange!

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

this is strange!

my downstairs computer says i have no connecting modem... upstairs it is fine....

oh well...

back to what is importaint...

seemly useles....

i am sitting here twitting my junk...
don't i feel great... NOT

oh well lets see what the world has to say...

it looks like noelia and tammy nyp are back
click the names....

in new news...
ahhh fuck my cable moden keeps

Thursday, October 25, 2007

come on... damit!

A goofy buggers random blog about not much more than stuff that amuses him.. go give the poor wanker a visit This poor fellows blog is proof that random thoughts and random spellings go hand in hand.

come on... you know you want to.
i only have 2 links... that is a shame...


yes it is the site...where you get to say... What!

that would be the place to see it...

we got it here

party on...

wait! hes got more!
click here!

all that Nix has to say...


and then there is this...

and this too...


yep... nix is genies or something like that...

big ten sucks it!

i dont need it... go charge someone who wants it...

this may be it!
that may be the best searching site... that is.

good day...

Exclusive footage of Anna Nicole Smith - 9 yr old witness

i am so depressed oh well...
lets see what is up at techonite

holy smoke!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

in more compelling news...

here is whats happing at youtube...

whoopie shit....