Saturday, December 01, 2007

you just gotta love her...

you just gotta love her...

any woman that loves her rack like that!



you have to go see this,,,
I laughed so hard I spotted!

check it out

can anybody tell me ...

can anybody tell me how long it takes, to load this page?

leave me a message.

see perfect gift for those you have no idea what to buy...

i got one for you...

hit this link...
Custom Built Spas

a sine up... they sell how to books for making Hot Tubs...

if you get hits like i do, you could make $100 - $200 per month!
that ain't bad!

ok don't say i never gave you nothin!

whats worse than 2 girls 1 cup?

whats worse than 2 girls 1 cup?
2 girls 1 finger!
read about it here...

yikes! can you immage
ha ha ha!
I can....

3 girls 1 video...

check this out...


they grow herbs...

well its the weekend... are you doing anything? me? nah... I will sit here and play party poker... thats about sums it up.

AeroGarden® FREE for 36 Days!

but really check them out...

now on with the show...

i have noticed that people that have there link on other peoples blogs get there clicks from them... well a certain percentage from them. perhaps i will do something like that.

i only have to type this into there blog
my blog... with lots of porno

humm kida makes you go huuuummmmm.

Friday, November 30, 2007

before i forget...

my favored book!

you can buy it here!

zoey zane

visit here...

if you have any information

Thursday, November 29, 2007

ah ha ha ha!

thats too funny!

New speed bump release

Is Europe a country?

Funny video about a quiz show, where the question is about an obscure country called Hungary.

* quiz,
* show,
* american,
* idol,
* kelly,
* pickler,
* hungary,
* budapest,
* are,
* you,
* smarter,
* than,
* fifth,
* grader

Emily Sander, aka Zoey Zane, is the missing 18-year old Kansas Butler Community College student. The orthodoxical picture above mustn't be able to persuade anyone to believe Zoey Zane as a girl who led a double life as an internet porn star.

Link Tags: Emily Sander, Zoey Zane, Photo

from url...

give them a visit...


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

last laugh '07

just though you would like to know what ive been looking at...mostly 06 sucked... funny.

ahhh hell....

i don't like posting on days like this...

i have been looking for a long lost love... to no avail... oh well...

here have a video....

this is funny!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

why do i do it??? and Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize

I am loosing my ass at poker!
i suppose i could be trying to kill my self... this dose not feel much better... but oh well it gives me something to do.
Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize

now you have something to do too...

Band: Quiet Riot Song: Cum On Feel the Noize Album: Metal Health Year: 1983 Kevin DuBrow - Vocals Carlos Cavazo - Guitar Rudy Sarzo - Bass Frankie Banali - Drums


* Quiet,
* Riot,
* Metal,
* Health,
* Cum,
* On,
* Feel,
* The,
* Noize,
* Come,
* Noise,
* Kevin,
* DuBrow,
* Carlos,
* Cavazo,
* Rudy,
* Sarzo,
* Frankie,
* Banali,
* Slade


how to be Emo...

that about says it all....

i though it was funny...

i still cant spell.. and it is starting to piss me off. Oh well.

at least i can post...

guenna go...

Monday, November 26, 2007

ok it's a bit of a strech... but why not.

geo bush and that other guy...

why not?

okay lets take a mon. to look at youtube

ok its a little heavy on the music...

i am stuck at home with Mrs Whatsherface in have been trying i really have...

ah hell we all got to eat a little now and again...
a least it went to the store...