your day could be worse...

Indian Guy Has Panic Attack On Plane

you could have a seat next to this guy....


there is a whole bunch of India stuff... go check it out!

my christmas card...

merry Christmas!
like what is said inside the card... do send it to a friend!
(he he he)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hot Christmas present!

Hot Christmas present!

well some of you have asked...

there is your answer!

oh ya this one too...


i don't think so...

well today i played poker... and won!!!!

i'm even thinking of playing some more... maybe...

the phone has not rang once today... i can see where havening a stroke victim for a friend can be a sure pain in the ass.
oh well...

let us see what is being throne around youtube... shall we.

yep that about sums up all of it.

only makes sense this is part of associated link...

Alanis Morissette "My Humps" video....

my buys as of this moment..

Thursday, December 13, 2007

don't cry...

just kiss me...

together we will get through.


better.... ain't it?

thats whats playing over at Wally Word...

he has some really good ideas... worth a look.

well i played poker today... i got in the top 20 yaaaaa!

well today is good so far.

got to go....
be well.

I don't know about this..

i am moving at the end of this month.. and it just don't feel right.

i am probably making this in to a big deal... but i can't help it.

oh well...

i am playing poker... and losing... oh well it gives me something to do.

have a good day....


i am looking for something...

lets see if youtube has it.

got it!!!

A love song.... for vampires!

nice song....

one more...

Annie Lennox....

i do love her... well i love the music.

party on !

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ok so you want to see what amazon has?

well here you go...

you can even look for you own Led Zepplin doo-das

led zeppelin... kashmir

told you i cannot get enough...
damn they are good!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

i have been working on something...

i have been looking for adds ... something that will keep my blog fresh...
tell me what you think...


jesus! this is taking too much time..

maby i will put more time into this... but not right now.


by the way these are avalble at


go ahead and tell me what you think?

Monday, December 10, 2007

sombiotch! today is weird!

i slept until 9:00
turned on the television and watched it until 11:00... then took a shower... need to get moving but don't wanna!

i am moving... need to pack some stuff... perhaps later I will feel up to it...

lets see what youtube has to offer...

so it ain't looking good...
oh well... perhaps later...

lets try tecnorati...

well it is better than nothing...
Britney Spears At Starbucks in Beverly Hills. 12-07-07

oh well...