Saturday, February 09, 2008

Edison Chen make an Public apology

this is the movie with Edison Chen's sex scandal.

now i'm not for or agaist this ... but if you go here you will be able to see pics!

just sayin...

Friday, February 08, 2008

well wish me something...

wife went to Dr... she is being told of her cancer test results.

we will see.

well gotta go... wish me well.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Congress Sends Economic Aid Plan to Bush

Congress Sends Economic Aid Plan to Bush
Thursday February 7, 8:53 pm ET
By Andrew Taylor and Julie Hirschfeld Davis
Congress Sends Economic Aid Plan to Bush With Tax Rebates for Many; Bush Signals Approval

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congress, facing the prospect of an election-year recession, passed an emergency plan Thursday that rushes rebates of $600 to $1,200 to most taxpayers and $300 checks to disabled veterans, the elderly and other low-income people. President Bush indicated he would sign the measure.


any thing will help!!!
be sure to read the rest.

yea i know I had a stroke...

here we go...


Dr. Sanford Siegal's COOKIE DIET™

that should do it...

yea i know I had a stroke... but i can dream cant I?

actualy I'm going to...
World's Finest Chocolate Delicious holiday gift. Personalized for free. Early order & bulk discounts available.

yea thats what /i'm going to do....

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

check this out...

Get 3 Disney Movies for $1.99 Each, Free Shipping!

3 Disney films!!!
good buy!

that is pretty much what i did today....

$1 Image Stabilizer For Any Camera - Lose The Tripod - video powered by Metacafe

okay i did this to.

it really works !

i think i need help!!!



and there are a few others...
I don't know what to do...


ok so any one want to help?

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

something worth reading...

hey it only set you back $.01
(plus shipping)
you can't go wrong.

okay i have to go... have a good one.

Three Successive AVM Bleeds

Three Successive AVM Bleeds

22 October 2004

I had an aneurysm burst on the right side of my brain on December 07, 2002 , then another one burst on December 10, 2002. After the second one I had the most unbearable headache. My girlfriend, Teri, took me into the emergency room at the nearest hospital here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. They did a cat scan and discovered I had bleeding in my brain. They could not do anything for me at this hospital and transferred me to another hospital in Winnipeg that has a complete neurosurgery ward.

Neurosurgeon Dr. Fewer Performed the first two operations. Post the first operation I threw up as they were attempting to insert some tube down my throat but it filled my left lung causing pnemonia to set in. And upon completing the second surgery remarked to all present, I do not believe there is anything more I could do for Keith Surgically. He then had to leave the Hospital to leave Winnipeg fpr an out of the City Meeting.

Over the next couple days they say I was having extreme reactions to some kind of infection, which after many tests was diagnosed as an E-Coli infection.

On the fourth night in the Hospital, They had to call in Dr. Williams as I had another bleed which caused my entire brain to swell not just the areas of my brain where the bleeding occurred. My Mom was extremely happy that dr. Fewer was gone as He did not think he could do any more and Dr Williams took the chance of removing the top right quarter of my skull to allow room for my brain to swell. She is sure Dr. Fewer would not have done this. And even doing this dr. Williams didn't believe I would survive. But I did Thank God!

I wish I had known what the symptons of a stroke were well before this as I think back now and do know I did have warning signs. At one point probably about 6 months earlier I had this distorted circle in my vision, as though I was looking through some kind of prism. It only lasted for a couple seconds though. I rarely had headaches, and very rarely took anything for the pain, however if I ever did take aspirin the headache would be gone in 20 minutes.

I was in peak physical condition before the aneurysms burst. The first one burst after I was finished playing a hockey game. I had a slight headache but thought I was dehydrated, I didn't take anything and the headache went away fairly quickly. Then on the next afternoon I was supposed to play another hockey game the next night. In the afternoon I called the team organizor to tell him I wouldn't be able to play as my left knee kept buckling when I tried to walk. This was the first hockey game I have missed playing in since I started playing when I was 5 years old.

I was 39 when the aneurysms burst, the neurosurgeon who did the operation, said I probably had the aneurysms all my life from an AVM before I was born. None of the neurosurgeons or nurses at the hospital I was operated on thought I would survive, Thank GOD I did.

I had a number of complications on top of the massive stroke I had. After the first operation to remove the blood clot from the first burst aneurysm I got sick to my stomach but it did not exit my mouth due to the weakened left side and filled up my left lung, causing pneumonia to set in. Then over the next few days they said I was having extreme reactions to some kind of infection, fevers and such that they finally determined was an E. coli infection.

They did a second operation to fix a number of other aneurysms, the neurosurgeon said there were too many to count, it looked like 2 bunches of grapes hanging in my head, then 4 days after I went into the hospital they had to perform a third emergency operation at 3:30-4:00 in the morning as my entire brain had started to swell from the trauma it had undergone and they could not control it with drugs.

The neurosurgeon told my kids and girlfriend that he had no idea what he could do but if he did nothing I was dead for sure. He ended up cutting the top right quarter of my skull off to allow room for my brain to swell, He said it was within seconds of my brain collapsing into the top of my spinal column killing me instantly.


Monday, February 04, 2008

I read about this...

check it out!

or learn about it

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Language on the Mirror Side of the Brain...

Language on the Mirror Side of the Brain

We have two sides of the brain that work together but which do different things. In an adult brain, the left side usually handles language, while the right side handles the more concrete tasks such as judgement and intuition. You could say that the left brain is the speaker, while the right side is the singer or the left side is the scientist, while the right side is the artist. Yet, these differences have not always been there. The brain changes. In early childhood, language has been found on both sides of the brain. The two sides are like mirror images of one another.

Then what happened to change this? Although not completely understood, there is one fact that stands out. The change begins when the bridge between the two sides matures. This to 11. During this time the person becomes either a left-handed person or a right-handed person. The person develops what is called a "dominant hand" and a "dominant hemisphere" at the same time--the two are linked. So this is why, when a person has a stroke on the left side of their brain, they usually loose their speech and the use of their right hand at the same time.

But a person learns to talk before they have become right or left-handed. A person learns to talk before they can read, write or do math. So in order to retrain language, we have to employ a technique that goes back to a time before the use of specialized language. We have to use the other hand to access language from early childhood and to develop that new link or channel in the brain.

We have two eyes, two ears, two hands and they are all used in learning and expressing various forms of language. When one eye goes blind, the other becomes stronger, to take over the function of the lost eye. When a person is blind, they can use their finger tips to "see" and read braille. When a person is deaf, they use their hands to sign and speak. The hand is the link. It is the most trainable organ we have--except perhaps the tongue (which is no coincidence). We have two sides of the brain and two language centers, with one of them becoming more or less inactive as we mature. Now, can we use the alternate hand to teach the mirror side of the brain to talk? The answer to this question will lead us to a whole new approach to speech recovery.

We need to make the alternate hand the "new dominant hand" so that this hand can become stronger, more coordinated and "articulate". With this new dominant hand a whole new range of options opens for the stroke survivor. First, a greater facility in dealing with the physical problems and limitations involved with stroke. Of more importance for left hemisphere stroke survivors, is the possible development of new spontaneous speech, even after years of unsuccessful attempts in speech therapy. The techniques I developed to train the new dominant hand are designed into each kit and program and are explained in the guide, "Pathway to Recovery". A new publication, "The Sensory Trigger: Talking on the Right Side of the Brain", explains the research and scientific theory behind the method and illustrates the new pathways in the brain.


interesting... give it a READ

Sunday, February 03, 2008

boring day,,,Peer Review: Microhoo! Yahosoft. Moo. What people are saying about the potential merger

so i'll post something I read...
from dvice . com
Peer Review: Microhoo! Yahosoft. Moo. What people are saying about the potential merger

Early Friday morning Microsoft made an unsolicited bid to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion. The goal? Microsoft wants to bring Google down and thinks that Yahoo's huge traffic numbers might help.

How does all this affect us, the web surfers? It's more than a stock portfolio issue. Hundreds of millions of people rely on dozens of Yahoo! web services, any one of which could change significantly under Microsoft ownership. The Yahoo! name is valuable, so don't expect your email address to disappear, but the feel of many Yahoo!-run websites (including Flickr and could change significantly if the merger goes through. An unsuccessful merger could be disastrous, driving more users to Google. Click continue to read recent vehement views reflecting on the merger and its likely consequences.

they have some good stuff...


Depression and Stroke

Laurie Udesky

For all of his advantages, there was a moment when actor Kirk Douglas was so despondent after suffering a stroke that he opened a drawer, grabbed the pistol he had used in the film Gunfight at the OK Corral, and put the gun in his mouth. But he accidentally knocked the barrel against his teeth. The pain made him laugh at himself long enough to reconsider pulling the trigger.

In the years following his stroke in 1995, the macho film legend recovered his ability to speak, and went on to write a book about his experience to inspire other stroke victims during their recovery. But if severe depression could overtake Kirk Douglas, who had the best of everything -- a parade of household help, the support of his family and thousands of adoring fans -- think how emotionally devastating a stroke can be for the rest of us.

As many as half of all people who suffer a stroke become clinically depressed, according to Dr. Mustapha Ezzeddine, a stroke neurologist with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. It's certainly understandable that a person's outlook would be directly connected to how much he or she has lost. After having a stroke, people can experience full or partial paralysis of the muscles in their faces or limbs. They can also lose the ability to speak, significantly jeopardizing their connection to the rest of the world.

When book editor Robert McCrum suffered a stroke at age 42, he felt an overwhelming sense of failure and depression. "Every time I got into the wheelchair I felt vulnerable and helpless, stupid and ashamed," writes McCrum in his book My Year Off. Some people, like Douglas, even feel suicidal.

Unfortunately, depression can delay or damage the prospects for recovering from a stroke, according to several medical studies. One report in the journal Stroke examined the functioning of 55 patients treated for depression after having a stroke. Researchers found that 21 patients whose depression lifted after treatment had "a significantly greater recovery in activities of daily living" than the 34 patients whose mood did not improve.

Although it's understandable to feel overwhelming anguish, there are ways to recover from depression with the help of your friends, family, and support groups as well as professionial care.

How can I distinguish between depression and the effects of a stroke?

If a stroke has caused dramatic changes in your behavior or diminished your ability to function or communicate, it may be hard for people around you to distinguish disability from depression. For example, it could be harder to recognize depression in a stroke survivor who has trouble speaking or understanding language (aphasia). Sometimes family members think that it's natural for a stroke victim to mourn the loss of function, and so they fail to recognize true depression.

If you have crying outbursts that last for a few minutes and suddenly stop, it may seem like depression, but it may not be. It's a condition that doctors call "emotional lability." This is most prominent in the first few months after a stroke, and could also include outbursts of inappropriate laughter.

You should, however, suspect that you are depressed if you have experienced at least five of the following symptoms for two weeks or more: feelings of hopelessness, fatigue or lack of energy, no interest in activities you previously enjoyed, sleeping too little or too much, overeating or loss of appetite, low self-esteem, sadness, or suicidal thoughts or attempts. If you experience any of these things, ask your doctor to refer you to a mental health professional. If you feel suicidal, you should contact your doctor or a mental health professional immediately and seek out a friend or family member for company. Anyone who feels suicidal shouldn't be alone.

What causes depression in stroke survivors?

Some scientists believe that the stroke-induced brain injury itself can cause it. "In most patients, they develop depression secondary to brain injury," says Ezzeddine. "The hypothesis is that some of the brain circuits known to be involved in depression can be affected by stroke. If you had bouts of depression before the stroke, it's more likely you'll develop it after."

Besides psychological issues, it's hardly surprising that the more disabling the stroke, the more likely it is that the survivor will experience depression. One study, in the journal Hospital Medicine, equated severe post-stroke disability with a two to three times greater risk for depression than the people who experienced little or no disability.

What's the treatment for post-stroke depression?

The treatment can differ from the usual remedies because some medicines commonly used to treat depression are dangerous for stroke survivors. Tricyclic antidepressants, for example, can inhibit recovery in a stroke survivor, according to Ezzeddine. Other medications commonly taken by people who have had strokes -- like beta blockers, a type of heart medication -- can also deepen depression. But there are many other medication choices.

In addition, seeking psychotherapy, setting goals for recovery, and getting involved in social activities can all help. Here are some other ways for stroke survivors to free themselves from depression:

•Get involved in daily activities with friends or family. Many stroke survivors feel isolated and alone, even if they aren't physically incapacitated from the stroke.
•Find a support group with a trained facilitator. It could help provide emotional support as well as useful tips for managing your disabilities. Consult the National Stroke Association for groups near you.
•The American Heart Association now recommends aerobic and strengthening exercise for stroke survivors. If you're capable of exercising, ask your doctor for a referral to an exercise class. Many hospitals or senior centers offer exercise classes for stroke survivors.
•Ask your doctor how to relieve any physical discomforts like pain, muscle spasms, and constipation that can all add to depression.
•If you're capable of volunteering, even if it's just an hour or two a week, it will not only help others, but could also help you feel better about yourself.

-- Laurie Udesky is an award-winning health and medical reporter and a frequent contributor to Consumer Health Interactive.


i like what they had to say...

thats all...