Friday, May 09, 2008

so did you get a chance to prowl wallyworld?

he is a funny motherfucker!

and well i have to say if you are interested in a hot tub or spa
hot tub info
this ones a winner!

in other news...

what em' I saying???
there is no other news!!!!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

r u Gay???

Do you find it difficult to focus or concentrate? Do you often feel anxious or moody? Are you gay? Levitrol is here to help you:

• Improve your concentration and mental alertness

• Elevate your mood

• Find relief from mild to moderate depression and anxiety

• Enhance your memory

• Combat stress in your body

• Increase your sociability

* and best of all - take away your gayness!

thanks wally!

I'm back....

i am back.... whoopie!

thank you...
i guess.

i don't know if i'll keep doing the reports on head damage...

well see....

gotta go...