Saturday, May 31, 2008

Encouraging Word from Melanie


I got an email recently from an old friend who is sorting through medical issues with her precious 4-year-old daughter, Ava. God is moving, friends, be encouraged. This is what Melanie writes:

“I wanted to let you know about yesterday. For the record, when my husband Pete read about Romans 8 he felt compelled to memorize it. But yesterday struck me. We were at Baystate Hospital. Our 4 year old daughter Ava was lying down sedated while getting an MRI of her brain. We were by her side. Out of Pete’s back pocket he pulled his printup of Romans 8 and started working on his memorizing. There I was, anxious and nervous as to my beloved daughter’s brain MRI, with her sedated and strapped in to my right and Pete memorizing Romans 8 on my left. The merge of the two struck me. If I remember correctly, your friend that inspired the Romans 8 movement suffered an AVM (which by the way has also inflicted my family, grandmother and uncle). There, in that sterile hospital room Romans 8 was being read and memorized while the prospect of a brain malformation was being determined on a little 4 year old girl. It just really struck me.”

This is a follow up I received from Melanie after getting the results of the MRI:

“Good news recently received is that Ava’s brain MRI was normal (no malformations!). Ava has global motor delays that has to date been unidentifiable as to the cause. She receives speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. She has underwent much testing. This was actually her 3rd MRI in the last year. A lot of blood work and other lab work has been done. She has been a real trooper. We’re awaiting some genetic testing results next month. Although it would be great to identify what’s causing her delays, it’s a bittersweet thing as we don’t want the cause to be too severe. She has recently displayed regression in terms of her tremors and ability to perform tasks. She is a courageous, creative and silly little girl. Your prayers for her would be cherished.

Although I don’t know Katherine, I’m sure she would be overjoyed knowing that her life and struggle has impacted so many in such wonderful ways. In your own words… “I have been overwhelmed by God’s goodness and the miracles he is doing in people’s lives and hearts everyday.” To Him be the glory forever!!!”

Let us be joining together in community and praying for one another and encouraging one another by how God is moving in our own lives and through each other. Right now Romans8movement is a small mustard seed, but I beleive by puting God’s word in our hearts and lives He will do the unthinkable through us! What a thrill to be a part of this genereation, this movement and what God is doing in hearts and lives throughout the world!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Well there is no news...

nothing doin on the home front... and nothin new on the away front either.

it's an ok thang...

have a good day.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

no news... that's good!

so well do a little more music...

that brings back a few good ones...

flight of Icarus!!!
that one ruled!

one more... ok.

Herbie Hancock!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

i got a little youtube for ya'

yep here ya go

1984!!! it was an ok movie...

surf punks?
no shit!

St. Elmo's Fire...

That was when the Dr. was The Doctor!

ok one more... then i have to go....

We are the men at Work!

too cool!

i miss my friend! oh well... maybe she will read this... maybe not....

She hates it when i do this... he he he

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sh!t For Brains AVM Blog


For Everyone Who Wishes They Weren't Interested in Arterio-Venous Malformations and Brain Surgery

Is That a Giant Sucking Sound, or is it Just Me?

There are international agreements governing trade, and countries who are parties to the agreements take on certain obligations that prevents them from erecting barriers to free trade. For example, customs rules. A country must agree to publish instructions on what you must do in order to get things through customs. Sounds simple, but there is a reason the rule was needed. In order to protect domestic industries, countries come up with clever and sneaky ways to foil trade. Many only published lists of things that you can't do if you want to get things through customs. An affirmative idea is infinitely more powerful than a negative. Imagine if you asked my how to roast a chicken, and I said, "Don't boil it." Not very helpful, although technically true.

Lately I have been inspired by this concept as it relates to personal healing, both for my brain and my spirit. I don't want my AVM to bleed, I don' want to have gamma knife again, I don't want a craniotomy, I don't want a seizure, a migraine, or an anuerysm.

These are all really general thoughts and fears, diffuse and tress induceing. They don't really address my hopes, my wants or desires. From now on I am trying to channel my thoughts into the affirmative. I want the AVM to be obliterated. I want my brain to heal. I want to relax. If I give my brain clear instructions, I am hoping to remove the barriers to healing. A treaty, if you will, to root out the sneaky processes that undermine progress. And while Ross Perot might disagree with my logic, I'm hoping the benefits will lead to better relations between my body and mind...after all, they're stuck being neighbors, they might as well get along.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hi Ya!

it has been slow going in the Head Bleed area... not a new AVM to report on ... this is good news!

I hope your having a good holiday! Here is a little something to get you by...


oh ya!!!