Saturday, July 05, 2008

nothang to report!

no avms to report!!!
good news!

i'v been toying with the idea of writing a small Duke Larcoss story.
but where to start... and lets face it, i am not so good at ending a story.

decisions... decisions.
well it is time to go...
have a good one.


i use to think this was too cool!

Friday, July 04, 2008

youtube... just for fun.

I know its Maddone... but it is an ok video.

How do you spell Madone?
oh well... i hope one of my readers will post it.

I know that there is no maddana... but i can.t spell it.

Thursday Update: an avm story

Thursday Update
By Jay Wolf (Katherine’s Father-in-law)

I have returned to UCLA Medical Center for the 6th time since Katherine’s brain stem stroke on April 21. She is making some wonderful progress! Her right side is strengthening. Her eyes look good. There is more movement in the left side of her face. Katherine’s awareness is leaping forward. She is using an alphabet board to spell out her responses. She is mouthing words and we are having fun reading her lips. Katherine stood upright with the help of the hydraulic lift chair and a harness for 30 minutes. She even asked her therapist to work her more because she wants to get well and go back home.

We met with Dr. Gonzalez, the neurosurgeon that God used to save Katherine’s earthly life on April 21. Dr. Gonzalez reiterated that he did his best but God has translated his efforts into an amazing miracle. Dr. Gonzalez told us about presenting Katherine’s case to a medical seminar. When the group saw the size and complexity of her arterial venous malformation (AVM) they knew a good outcome was virtually impossible. When Dr. Gonzalez told about Katherine’s current condition and progress, the group erupted in spontaneous applause. He said that in his 12 years of making this type of presentation that was a first! Dr. Gonzalez affirmed that Katherine has a long way to go but all indicators are that she will come all the way back! We concluded our meeting by praying with him and he wept openly. With great warmth we hugged and he went to his next assignment.

Treasured Prayer Warriors, keep praying for Katherine to decrease her secretions so the trach can be removed. Ask the Lord to keep re-creating, re-training, re-coordinating and re-strengthening all of the areas of deficit.

Katherine asked me, “Why has this happened?” I shared the great revelation of God’s Word that we live in a fallen world (Genesis 2-4) and satan’s activity factors heavily into the equation of suffering. I reminded her that Jesus cast out many demons and attributed illness to the devil’s destructive work (See Luke 13:10-16; John 10:10). Paul asserted that his thorn in the flesh was a “messenger from satan.” (II Corinthians 12:7) So our job is to trust the triumphant Lord Jesus to give us strength to overcome the devil’s destructive work. I explained, “Katherine your illness came from the heart of hell, not from the heart of God. Furthermore, the ultimate example of God transforming evil and suffering into a positive outcome is illustrated by the cross. God reshaped the cruel cross into a bridge to connect perishing people to God’s redeeming love and purpose.”

I told Katherine that her cross of suffering is being used by the Lord to connect countless people to God’s love and light. So our job is to keep trusting King Jesus and fighting the battle of defeating the devil’s destructive work. I encouraged, “Katherine, you are fighting a terrible battle with the devil’s destructive forces but you can do all things through Jesus who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13) You will climb the mountain of recovery with God’s help and run a sword through the dragon’s dark heart as you overcome his evil efforts.” Katherine gave me a big “thumbs up” and a beautiful crooked smile of understanding, affirmation and resolve.

Let’s continue faithfully fighting beside her by consistently praying and fervently believing that God will keep raising her up along with lifting up a host of others as we keep moving forward and stay focused on King Jesus!


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Here ya go... again No Avm's to report...

but this article is about them.


What are you laughing at?

Recently I've been thinking about how people manage to get out of bed in the morning, much less function, much less laugh, when their life is turned upside down.

One of the many bad things that can happen to a brain is the rupture of an AVM. AVMs are nasty business -- it stands for arterio-venous malformation, which basically means a tangle of blood vessels in the brain that are naturally structurally weaker because they are a tangle vs. the nice smooth highways that our brains are supposed to contain. They give out sometimes and dump blood into places in the brain where blood is most definitely not supposed to be, and there's not much room in there for extra, so the rest of the brain can get sort of smooshed around. AVMs just are - we could all be walking around with them right now, versus a stroke that's caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, or the like which are easily measured and monitored. As an aside -- famous AVMs include those of Senator Tim Johnson and Nate Fisher, a character from the amazingly good show Six Feet Under.

I've met a lot of people with this problem and one particular guy comes to mind. He was living a typical, happy existence -- working hard at his job, spending time with his family, playing pick-up basketball with his boys on the weekend. He was, unfortunately, doing all of this with an AVM that ruptured and left him unable to make sounds on purpose, use one of his arms, walk, read, parent his child, send an email, go the bathroom on his own, follow a tv show, etc. etc. He's my age - in another life I can see being really good friends with him and his wife -- actually, that's not true, they are both way to cool for me. He got measurably better every day -- I knew what his favorite movie was and where he was born because he drew me pictures until I figured it out, he could call to his wife from another room, and ask his son if he needed to go potty. But he was a realist-- he knew he was in the proverbial hurt locker and it was going to be a long tough road out.

The amazing thing was you could hear him laugh all over the building. It sounded like a guy who just cracked a joke to his buddy while watching the big game at a local bar - it was loud, genuine, and absolutely devilish.

My boyfriend my senior year in high school was the oldest of three brothers. His father died of a heart attack in their home by the front door when he was very young, and his brothers even younger. Several years later, his middle brother was cleaning a hunting rifle in their house when it discharged, shooting and killing his youngest brother, who was no more than 10, in their home by the front door. His mother, a woman of tremendous faith and the picture of servant leadership, is still the single biggest influence on my own faith story even though I haven't seen her in more than 10 years, simply because she not only found a way to put shoes on every day and comb her hair, but a year or so after I'd seen her at her son's funeral, I passed her in the car and she was laughing. Out loud. Like something was really, really funny. I was amazed -- it just didn't occur to me that any moment wouldn't be filled with such grief that it was paralyzing.

I am prone to fits of giggles, mostly at inappropriate times (like this Sunday in church when one of the ushers bobbled just a bit when walking the offering plates up the aisle -- she didn't fall but just idea of it set me off). I hope that wherever that lives in my brain and my soul would survive whatever disasters may be in my future.

Make someone laugh today.

Here's the source for the picture:


I think it is a great article.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

No AVM's to report... so have a recipe

1 to 2 cups of water
in a small pan.
bring to a boil.

Stir in a TBS of fresh garlic.

now stir in a good bunch of peanut butter.

turn the fire down...

add just enough milk to make it creamy.
add , if you like red pepper....

put over chicken.

you may put over your veggies as well.

in the picture it is over pork dumpling... ooooh la la.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

let us see whats up at Wallyword....

from Wallyword...

New VW - 100K on One Litre of Fuel

Ugly front
nice butt
assume the position
not much room
Volkswagen's 'one-litre per 100k' concept car (282mpg) first unveiled six years ago is said to be going into production for a release in two years.

The carbonfibre monocoque won't come cheap though - €30,000 is being mooted.

Interestingly, cameras replace the side mirrors to minimize the drag coefficient.

The 300kg body will be powered by a new two-cylinder turbodiesel with a mild hybrid system that would allow full-electric operation under some circumstances.

Your €30k will include ABS/ESP, a driver's airbag, sequential motorbike-style six speed transmission as well as LED head and taillights. Air-conditioning will be an option.

Looks like something Buckminster Fuller might have designed in the thirties eh?


its pretty cool! still look up ol Wally from time to time... and think he's great!
I hope he's doing well...

Well there were no new AVM's to report

My wife is behaving... looks like we may set a recored.

ok time to sell you some shit....

Nobody buy that last one!!
lets see whats up in the hot tub world...

Reducing Water Bills
Posted in How to be "GREEN" with a Spa, Water Changing

Mrs Ann Williamson suggests….

To anyone who thinks that spas are expensive to fill and take up too much water in dry spells during the summer I would just like to say that like everyone else, my husband and I are concerned about being “green” and making the most of clean water as well as saving money. Therefore when our spa is due to be drained and the water changed, we simply decant the old water into large water containers and use it to flush the toilet. As we use the spa aromatherapy liquids, the water smells sweet and it is surprising how quickly the water is used up - spas don’t consume as much water as you would think - but also it has reduced our annual water bill by £50 this year!

NSPF website goes Spanish.

The National Swimming Pool Foundation in the USA has launched a Spanish version of its website at

In addition to helping Spanish speakers in America, the site aims to provide pool health and safety information to native Spanish speakers in Central and South America, the Caribbean and Spain itself.

The NSPF says the English version of the site receives 40,000 visitors per month.

Key pages in the Spanish section describe educational programmes, online training opportunities, NSPF products, information on the World Aquatic Health Conference, research, news and other articles, resources and links, and the online shopping section.

Commenting on the launch of the site, NSPF CEO Tom Lachocki said: “This parallel website is the next step in the NSPF’s effort to bring leading prevention information to a broader world audience. Outbreaks of illness or drownings are bad whether they are in Bogota, Barcelona or Boston.”


gotta go...

Monday, June 30, 2008

lets see if i can blog about my favorite movie!

lets see...
it is Pink Floyd, The Wall.
not only is it cool... it has one of the best lead men it history!

well thats not me... but omg it is something!

here have a copy.

and there you go... one music and two videos...

well here you are...

Well here you are... damn... thanks for giving me a read.

i actually have allot to say... but i have a hard time saying it... like the Duke Lacrosse stuff.... he's a sexy dude.oh well... if you were hear i could tell you about him.

i could tell you about the love making my girlfriend, used to do.... oh la la!

I could tell you about the funny things I used to do, to my friends.
( i used to have friends)

oh well...

i think i will give you a video...

Crazy girl!



Now to sell you something...

16th Zurich Course on Interventional Neuroradiology


Institute of Neuroradiology University Hospital of Zurich
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
CH - 809 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 255 5620 or 5600
Fax: +41 44 255 4504


Policy Field of Event: Research & Innovation

Limitation: Registration required, Entrance fee

Location of event:

University Hospital of Zurich
Frauenklinikstrasse 10,
8091 Zurich


infos: The 16th Zurich Course on Interventional Neuroradiology has been prepared along the established educational lines and the traditional spirit of the Zurich, Toronto and Paris-Bicêtre schools of neuroradiology. Throughout the past fifteen years the teaching faculty has been intentionally kept small, with teachers sharing similar philosophy, clinical experience and long lasting collaboration. The teaching faculty includes Professors Pierre Lasjaunias, Marco Leonardi, Karel terBrugge and Anton Valavanis. The approved educational methods of introductory and explanatory lectures, interactive video workshops for demonstration of technical details and open faculty conversations as well as the style of interactive discussion with the participants will be again used in the 16th Course. This time the Course will focus on the treatment of dural intracranial arteriovenous shunts, hypervascular neoplasms of the intracranial space, the skull base and the head and neck, brain AVM's and AV-fistulae, intracranial aneurysms, aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, preventive stroke treatment and emergency endoarterial stroke treatment. For each topic clinical manifestations, underlying neuroanatomic facts and neurobiological considerations are used to elaborate treatment strategies, understand approach selection and demonstrate in detail the application of endovascular techniques and their results. Professor Ugo Fisch, pioneer of skull base microsurgery, Professor Helmut Bertalanffy, prominent microneurosurgeon and Professor Ralf Baumgartner, dedicated stroke neurologist, are the special guest faculty and will contribute with their experience and expertise to the respective topics. Contents and structure of the Course have been conceived in such a manner, that it can be attended by beginners in the field and by experienced practitioners of endovascular interventional neuroradiology as well as by technicians, nurses and interested physicians of related disciplines.

people: Anton Valavanis, M.D. (Course Director), Professor and Chairman Institute of Neuroradiology University Hospital of Zurich; Ralf Baumgartner, M.D., Professor Department of Neurology University Hospital of Zurich; Helmut Bertalanffy, M.D., Professor and Chairman Department of Neurosurgery University Hospital of Zurich; Ugo Fisch, M.D., Professor and Chairman Emeritus Department of Otorhinolaryngology University Hospital of Zurich; Karel terBrugge, M.D., FRCPC, Professor and Head Division of Neuroradiology, University of Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital, Canada; Marco Leonardi, M.D., Professor and Director Professor and Director Ospedale Bellaria, Bologna, Italy; Pierre Lasjaunias, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Director Service de Neuroradiologie Hôpital de Bicêtre, Paris, France.