Saturday, August 09, 2008

Well i had a day...

Lets get things strait here...I did not do it...

Thats all I have to say.

and further I don't think you did it ether.

Well I have to go... my Wife is due...
In the meantime enjoy

"STOP THE MADNESS" (1985, 1986) Anti-drug Music Video - Watch today’s top amazing videos here

Mary A West Live Cover Hollywood Beyond What's The Colour Of Mon - The best video clips are here
and finale...

The 1986 Video Music Awards Collection: a-ha - Funny bloopers R us

Check this out...

I just received a check yesterday!

Of all the cool things in his family's new home, Jimmy Trier likes the elevator best.

Of all the cool things in his family's new home, Jimmy Trier likes the elevator best.

When Jimmy, 14, wants to go upstairs to his room, he opens a wooden door, pulls back a gate and moves his wheelchair in.

His parents, John and Barb, built their two-story brick house on the top of a hill in Adel on the farm that Barb's family homesteaded in 1846. They moved in at the end of May.

"We built the house because of our son," John said. "He was injured five years ago with what was called an AVM bleed and almost died. We lived South of Grand and it just didn't work, so we sold that house. We kind of carved a little spot on the hill and took about a year and a half to get the whole thing done."

An AVM is an abnormal collection of blood vessels.

The Triers found the plan for the house on the Internet.

"It's kind of a recycled plan from a Texas architectural firm," John Trier said. "Arts and Crafts/Prairie style, I guess. It had everything we wanted. It had the high-up windows for the view. It had a back stairway, so we were able to take that out and use it for an elevator."

Trier, a carpenter who specializes in finish work, did the woodwork throughout the house. He chose quarter-sawn white oak for the trim because the family wanted a heavy, old look. Antiques - including an assortment of microscopes and navigation instruments - line the tops of old dentist cabinets and card catalogs.

Heavy furnishings - some with simple lines, others with ornate carvings - are balanced by the open floor plan, abundance of windows and yellow textured walls.

The Finished Edge in Des Moines put a veneer plaster texture over the drywall and a sand finish on the ceilings.

"I kind of joke that I know from my business that nobody comments about the woodwork," Trier said. "They all say, 'The walls, look at the walls, look at the ceiling.' And I say, 'What about the stairway?' "

John designed the Arts and Crafts stairway to the second floor. He said growing up in a house in Johnston designed by Frank Lloyd Wright - built in 1957 at the end of Wright's career - influenced much of what he prefers in woodwork.

Although the Triers like turn-of-the-century design and antiques, they say that a wider range of aesthetics drives their home decor.

"The pedestal of the dining room table is probably why we bought it, because we appreciated the artistry that went into it," Barb Trier said.

John Trier also was drawn to the carving on the back of the dining room chairs. And he said that instead of picking a Prairie-style fireplace mantel, the couple picked out a more ornate one just because it was more interesting.

"I don't think we'll win any decorating awards," he said.

"You can take a theme to extreme," Barb Trier said.

"We like the word eclectic," John Trier said.

One of their favorite things to collect is antique lighting - especially old post office or other governmental fixtures.

Trier said that he likes to make fun of the light fixture over their dining room table.

"You'll notice that one shade is different. For those who know lighting, the five that do match are really great shades," he said. "We've looked; we just can't find it. We had to stick another shade on there."

But they hold out hope that someday the shade might show up, Barb Trier said.

"It would be like winning the lottery."

Homestyle is a publication of The Des Moines Register.


Oh Boy...

I am super tired today.
My friend stood me up... but he is having health problems. He had to go to the hospital... I think we'll forgive him... what do you say?

I am going to sleep now...
First lets youtube ya...

How to pick up girls...

Spin me Round and Round! Dead or Alive

one more..

Roxy Music - Jealous Guy [Live,1983]

oh boy that really sucked....


There is good news... No AVMs to report!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

AVM calculator

AVM calculator is an new IT tool in a Neuroscientist’s armamentarium. It is published by Dr G Narenthiran and it uses sophisticated algorithms in order to provide you with a estimation of an AVM risk in the following years according to information provided. Data are based in epidemiological and clinical studies. The use of this tool is for experts and healthcare professionals only. It implements .NET framework so its use is for Windows platforms only.

Great work!

Please feel free to try it at:


Interesting! I hope it works for those in need.
Me, I have been up to NOTHING!

I am getting sick of sitting around this house.... I have a friend who i am going to see. Thats a plus. But it is not until 5:00...

oh well... that gives me hours to find a way to make money.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Flying to Jesus

Flying to Jesus

Molly went to be held by the angel’s tonight. I wish there were more words I could type but honestly, my heart is filled with grief. I never met Molly, never held her in my arms. Yet, her little life has changed me. I can not put into words what I feel or how I have grown, yet. However, I hope to one day share with you all as well as Rebecca and Jacob what they have all meant to me.

Christy quoted a Chris Rice song that really sums up a lot.

And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world goodbye then go in peace and laugh on Glory’s side. And Fly to Jesus, fly to Jesus, Fly to Jesus Molly and LIVE!

What a difficult road this family has ahead of them as they remember and grieve for their little girl. I know they covet your prayers. Rebecca has said that she wants everyone to hear the gospel through Molly’s story. I know she has impacted my life, what about you? If you read this and have been impacted, please comment. Or do you have a sentiment you would like to express? Please leave it below. I believe it would mean a lot to Jacob and Rebecca to know that their daughter is making a difference. We plan on making a book of all the comments received from here and elsewhere for them and giving it to the family soon.

Posted June 19, 2008


Brain op dad reaches milestone

Brain op dad reaches milestone

A dad refused a life saving brain op on the NHS is well on the way to a full recovery after his family raised the money to pay for the surgery.
Pete Nash, of Kings Langley, recently reached a milestone when he was given back his driving licence more than a year after the operation.

He had to stop driving after being diagnosed with an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) - a deadly cluster of tangled blood vessels that could have burst at any time.

The condition caused epileptic fits, severe headaches and short-term memory loss which meant Mr Nash could not work.

His family, including wife Julia, 43, twin sons Peter and Lewis, 18 and youngest son Benn, 16, lived in fear the cluster would burst, killing Mr Nash or leaving him paralysed.

However, Dacorum Primary Care Trust refused surgery, saying the operating risk outweighed the risk of doing nothing.

The Nash family launched a campaign called Pete's Fund to raise the cash - around £60,000 - through events and donations.

Mr Nash said: "Everyone has helped and that has been overwhelming."

He underwent several operations to prepare for the final major surgery in May last year and has made a speedy recovery.

The 40 year old said: "The doctors can't believe it. I left hospital after eight days.

"I'm looking to go back to work. I'm really happy about it."

Now things are looking up there's hope the couple won't have to sell the family home.

They had to put the property on the market after Mr Nash's critical illness insurance refused to cover mortgage repayments. "We have got to get ourselves back on track," said Mr Nash.

A Sky Real Lives documentary about Mr Nash - The Man Who Had Minutes to Live - has been such a hit that it will be shown on Sky One on Thursday, August 28 at 10pm. A follow up programme is being planned.

Mr Nash said: "People still recognise me. Sometimes I don't know if I know them or if it's because of the documentary."

Wife Julia has launched a career selling her artwork. She is writing a book about the family's struggle and has hopes of a feature film.

The pair have pledged to use Pete's Fund to help others in similar situations. Visit

This Saturday (August 9) a psychic fair is being held at Nash Mills Village Hall, Lower Road, Hemel Hempstead, to raise money for the fund.

It will run from 10am to 5pm and includes psychic artist Jerrold Donnington and individual spiritual readings.

Advanced tickets cost £35 (all inclusive) or £5 on the door and pay as you go. Find out more by calling 01923 250573.


Well whada know...

My Webmaster stuff is not doing anything....
There is no AVM stuff to report on, that is for now...

and that is about it.
I am havening dinner with an old friend... my oldest Son is in jail... it is for an old charge and his inability to pay a fine. It will cost him.

It is a F-ed up life I lead.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

80's Movies!! Excalibur and More!

Movies from the 80's!!!
lets see if we can find them....

here is one... but it is not the one I'm looking for'

and another...

and another!

and yet another!

here is one that deals with BAD movies!

ahhhh fu$k it!!
I can't find it!
I'll keep looking... but for now try these!


A Great 80's Movie!

Go for it!!!

Good afternoon!

I think I spelled that right.
So how are you doing today?
me??? aaaa you know....

No AVMs to report! This is good news!!!

I have been doing something... goto
and check it out.


Genesis - Carpet Crawlers 1999

Genesis - Anything She Does

Genesis - Abacab

there is your little Genesis super set...

This whole "be a better webmaster" thing is truly ruff! But I think i am getting the hang of it.

(he says in a cold sweat)

here have some...

Monday, August 04, 2008

You will read about AVMs If you keep reading...

"STOP THE MADNESS" (1985, 1986) Anti-drug Music Video - The best bloopers are a click away
that kinda sucks.....oh well.

how about one more?

Baby Nixon/Zombie Toolshed - Watch more amazing videos here
Thats just weird!

One More!!! Ok.


ok thats it.... enough!

Lets see what is for sale on amazon.

Today was pretty much a great day!
Didn't get as much accomplished as I would like. But thats ok.

You will read about AVMs If you keep reading... also you might wanna take a trip thru linky land!
Anyway you have a good day!
oh oh oh!! and for that lovely girl out there, I did not have to do it... but I could not think of anything else.

Keith Ravodowitz was born with an AVM on his right cheek.


by Keith Ravodowitz

My face never stays the same. A constant artist of change, I must hover over it like a parent. It grows and spreads and detours its contours with the precision of a sculpture. It’s beauty is it ugliness and it’s purpose unknown. My hope is that it is necessary, necessary for growth, necessary for life. My hope is that it is the antidote to fear, while also being the reason for it.

Keith Ravodowitz was born with an AVM on his right cheek. He is 32 years old and approaching his 10th surgery.


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Hello guys and gals...

I have been busy... I have decided to go for it. I have decided to try and make money and become a better webmaster too.

We will see if I can make it happen. Oh boy.

If you happen to know any tricks or hard won stuff... and want to share it with me... email it to me... or leave it in the comments section.

The other thing I would ask of you... is that you goto my other blog.. it is at Hot Tub and Spa News
and tell me what yo think.

There has been no story's in the AVM rhelm. Badly spelled.

so I give you youtube!

Good by....