Saturday, August 30, 2008

HI!!! X2

ya ya ya I got nothing in the avm dept.
I looks like there aren't any this time of year... oh I wish.
I have a b-day to celebrate tomorrow. I is mt oldest G-son... he will be 13!

I gotta go... Talk to you latter.
I thought I would have some avm stuff to share with you... but I was wrong... I still got nothing.
What was Duke doing? I should go look it up.

I bet it was something sexual.
ha ha ha!

Now that this blog has gotten International attention I probable should write it on another blog. No?

Ah well things to think about...

For now have some youtube...

Blackbird... The Beatles


Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy


Mr. Mister - Broken Wings

ok so that is today... No avms! Ok music... and you!
I like the you part!
so now let me sell you some stuff.

You know I don't expect you to buy nothing... kiss kiss.

That last one was for ##### so don't get so emotional.
Bye for now...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hi Guys!!!

Got nothing on the AVM front... I got this for you...

My name is Friday, I work on Wednesday... Wednesday my girlfriend.
Ha Ha Ha!

let me give you some youtube... shall we?

Ok Go!

Then theirs this....

Ok I know what you want...


I'm gonna go now!
Be good.
X Files!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ok what's up...

ok This is what i got...

Attacking McCain from the Right on Stem Cells [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Anita Crane is quite right to criticize McCain—on federal funding for embryo-destructive research, the senator does not stand with pro-lifers. But I think she makes two mistakes in her article. She writes that McCain "is no better than Obama on embryonic stem cell research." McCain favors a ban on the creation of human embryos in order to kill them and obtain their stem cells. Obama (like Biden) is on the other side.

Second, she criticizes McCain for supporting alternative forms of stem-cell research.

With his "skin cells" reference, McCain was pointing to the experiments by scientists who had "reprogrammed" adult skin cells into "embryo-like" stem cells and released articles on their findings last November. . . .

While many were celebrating these supposed breakthroughs, Theresa Deisher, scientist and founding researcher of AVM Biotechnology in Seattle, revealed several ethical problems in the March-April 2008 issue of Celebrate Life. Deisher wrote that kidney cells from an electively-aborted human fetus were among the ingredients used by both researchers.

And while Deisher explained that there are moral and ethical options to obtain those same reprogramming results, she still questioned the final outcome. After all, "[r]eprogrammed adult cells display this embryonic characteristic: they form fatal tumors in adults."

James Sherley also emphasized that embryonic stem cells are incompatible with anyone other than the embryonic persons to whom they belong.

I don't think these objections make sense. The reprogramming of cells does not require the use of aborted fetuses; there's no problem in principle here. The potential that these reprogrammed stem cells will form tumors is not a reason to refrain from pursuing research; it's a reason for researching the safety issues. Finally, Sherley's point flips an advantage of reprogrammed cells (and embryonic stem cells) into a supposed disadvantage. They don't run the risk of tissue rejection because they can be made to match the patients genetically.


I know it is not the AVM that we have been talking about. But I could not imagine me saying I got crap... again.

So there ya go.

And the Obama and McCain thing is interesting.

ok, love ya all....
buy some stuff...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I got nu'thing

I got nothing on the avm thing.
I got nothing to say either... big surprise... huh.

Well heck I'll give you some youtube to pass your time...

(Legend) - Just hold me

Bowling For Soup

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Never Understand
Do Not Listen!!!!!!!!
They blow!!!!!

ok enough is enough!
I'll say good by!!!
Good by!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Your HS Top 100 Football teams!

see them here!!! CLICK ME!!

What a bunch of Winers!!!

It has been a long time sense I have had an AVM to talk about. Today is one of those days.

Okay lets youtube you... I know it makes you mental... but think of the joy that, that brings me.


Sam Harris Sugar Don't Bite... oh boy!!


Tobacco Road - John D. Loudermilk

Lets say that is it... lets just say that is it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Did You???

Did you think I'd have some AVM news today?
Well I don't.

I have a bit of a headache...I think I'll take a nap. First let me get a little youtube for ya' first.

Bon Jovi...

Good Night!