Saturday, October 04, 2008

More AVM News...

For those of you who know us personally you are aware no doubt that Ter-Bear has a brain condition. No not that, Doofus-ism is not really "condition" per say. A real condition. He has an AVM:
"Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are masses of abnormal blood vessels which grow in the brain. They consist of a blood vessel "nidus" (nest) through which arteries connect directly to veins, instead of through the elaborate collection of very small vessels called capillaries. Some people are born with the nidus, but as the years go by, it tends to enlarge as the great pressure of the arterial vessels can not be handled by the veins that drain out of it. This causes a large collection of worm-like vessels to develop (malform) into a mass capable of bleeding at some future time."
Well 2 1/2 years ago he had gamma knife surgery (a non-invasive radiation surgery) to correct the condition. A process that takes a few years to see any real results. Well we are please to show you all now before and after pictures of Ter's brain. Know that the AVM is not gone but it is decrease in size by a good bit. He may have to have another surgery in the future to completely get rid of it but looking at the new picture makes me feel very optimistic that he will someday be with out the AVM.

Now I know that this may not look like much to ya'll but aside from the fact that it looks smaller Terry himself has been feeling better (much fewer "episodes" -the right side of his body would go numb) Woo-Hoo!

look at the pics and leave a comment...


Brain AVM Is a Dangerous Cause of Headaches, Seizures and Strokes.

What Is a Brain AVM?

By Jose Vega M.D., Ph.D

An arteriovenous malformation, or AVM for short, is a group of blood vessels that are abnormally interconnected with one another. AVMs can occur in different organs of the body, but brain AVMs are the most problematic. Another term for AVM is "arteriovenous fistula."

To understand why brain AVMs are dangerous it is important to first understand the way that normal blood vessels are connected with one another:

The Normal Artery-to-Vein Connection

There are two main types of blood vessels: the arteries and the veins. Arteries bring oxygen-rich blood from the heart and lungs into organs such as the muscles, bones and brain, and veins bring it back to the heart and lungs where it is re-oxygenated. As the arteries travel deeper and deeper into the tissues, they become thinner and thinner, until they reach a point of maximal narrowing - this area is known as the capillary bed. Blood flow slows down in order to be transferred from arteries into veins.

Thus, one of the most important functions of the capillary bed is to relieve some of the pressure generated by blood as it flows through the larger arteries into the tissues.

Veins spring out of the capillary beds, and they get progressively larger as they exit the organs on their way to the heart and lungs, where blood is finally replenished with oxygen.

Abnormal Artery-to-Vein Connections

Brain AVMs are made up of arteries and veins which are connected in such a way that there is no capillary bed at all. This causes the pressure of the arteries to be transmitted directly into the veins within the AVM. This unusual flow of blood creates an area of high pressure and high turbulence that causes the AVM to become larger over time, and to affect the function of the surrounding brain tissue.

What Does a Brain AVM Look Like?

Brain AVMs vary in size. Some are tiny and go unnoticed for many decades. Others form large and tortuous channels of arteries which pulsate strongly as they connect directly to their corresponding veins. AVMs can be found anywhere in the brain, including the brain cortex, the white matter, and the brainstem.

Who Develops Brain AVMs?

Brain AVMs affect about 0.1% of the population, and are present at birth, but they rarely affect more than one member of the same family. They happen roughly equally in men and women. People typically begin to feel symptoms between the ages of 10 and 30, but it is not uncommon for people to be diagnosed after the age of 50.

What Are the Symptoms of an AVM?

About half of the patients find out they have an AVM only after they suffer a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The other half are affected by seizures, headaches, and stroke symptoms such as hemiplegia or hemiparesis.

How Is an AVM Diagnosed?

Often, the diagnosis of an AVM can be made by an expert radiologist with just CAT scan of the brain. Most physicians, however, feel more comfortable diagnosing AVMs after performing an MRI. In cases when bleeding has occurred, the AVM can be completely obscured by intracerebral bleeding, requiring a cerebral angiogram to establish a final diagnosis.

How Are AVMs Treated?

The most common types of treatment available include surgical resection, endovascular embolization, and stereotactic radiosurgery -- all of which might be used either alone or in combination. In general, these treatments aim to lower the risk of bleeding, or re-bleeding.

An issue that is presently under intense research is whether doctors should treat AVMs that are discovered before they cause bleeding. As it turns out, no studies have assessed the risk of bleeding when these unruptured and sometimes symptom-free AVMs are left untreated. Some people, however, believe that AVMs that are discovered before they bleed might not have the same risk of bleeding as those which are discovered after they bleed. Nonetheless, the uncertainty causes many surgeons and patients to decide in favor of surgery, in spite of the risk that the treatment itself could cause permanent brain injury.

A study is now in place to investigate this very question. The study's name is ARUBA or "A Randomized Trial of Unruptured Brain AVMs".

What Is the Prognosis?

The prognosis of an AVM depends on several factors, beginning with whether the AVM is discovered before or after bleeding. More than 90% of those who bleed survive the event. In those whose AVM is discovered before bleeding, the prognosis is directly related to the AVM's size, symptoms, proximity to vital areas of the brain and, as stated above, whether or not the AVM is treated.


Allan H. Ropper, Robert H. Brown, Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, 8th Edition (McGraw-Hill)

Hartmann A, Mast H, Choi JH, Stapf C, Mohr JP. Treatment of arteriovenous malformations of the brain. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2007 Jan;7(1):28-34.



Okay I wrote a little today... the is a good read. And the first story is worth reading to....

I has a very strange day... I was so tierd at 1:00 I decided to take a nap... most days I get tired and take a nap.

At 2:00 I was still laying there... dead tired but laying there none-the-less. When the dog started barking... at nothing... lord knows I wanted to kill it.

So I got up and played an older game that I have.

The whole time I kept going over and over a Duke Lacrosse story... I can see it now... I am going to have to start a new blog... Just for Duke Lacrosse stories. huuummmmmm

okay I will give you a little youtube .

Painters & Dockers - Nude School (1987)

Def Leppard - "Pour Some Sugar on Me" U.K. Music Video

Aerosmith - Dude (looks like a lady)
The 80's had some good music... what else can I say.... but Wowsers!

An AVM story.

Hi Everyone!

This will definitely be a happier blog than last time! The dark side of the avm has passed for now ... the steroids took effect, and as you can see from the photos, no more puffiness under my left eye! We all went out to celebrate Marks 21st birthday @ Red Lobster on Sunday! Had fun visiting with Mark and we all went to Mom and Vicente house later to play one of our favorite games - Mexican Train! I finally learned how to play and we all enjoyed having some ice cream and just visiting w/each other! We had so much fun - all this helps give me strength, knowing our family bond is so great! Vicente is always so welcoming and supportive!

I've been doing fairly well - avm wise. Had a very minor bleed here and there, and the main thing has been keeping the pain under control! Guess what time it is too? Time for us to head out to CO! We will leave on Monday and return home Thursday in the early afternoon!

We still have some loose ends to wrap up before the trip - looking forward to going and getting this darned avm stabilized some more! I want the wound area to heal already! Speaking of "wounds" - I'm thinking Saba may be having a little procedure of her own! I think she needs to be "fluffed and stuffed" a little bit - her left arm tends to hang a little looser than her right! I will call the Build a Bear place(s) in CO to see who can get her worked on when we arrive on Monday! Saba must be in her best condition - she gets compliments wherever she goes! I couldn't shake this one little girl on Monday while I was @ Wal-mart! She told me how pretty Saba was and then she had to round up her whole family to point Saba out to them! What can I say, Saba takes after me! Ha, ha, ha! Ok, I'm bobble heading over here, so I need to wrap this up!

Thanks to all who come by for a visit - we'll update this on our return from CO!

Mark & Cyndi

P.S. I must also point out that even though these trips are considered "medical", it's sooo nice to get out of Corpus Christi! Mark has been working overtime lately and of course besides his regular day job, he has the full time job of taking care of me! He's an excellent wound care therapist and especially an all around support for me! This past week we lost a dear choir friend, Smitty Leonard. He and his wife Mary Ella served 18 years in choir and Mary Ella plans to continue her choir ministry. While @ the Rosary, the people in the pew in front of us turned to tell Mark what a beautiful voice he has. Mark replied by telling them he served 21 years in choir, but that @ the moment, taking care of his wife is his ministry! Is he a Godsend or what? Couldn't do this whole AVM thing without all of you out there too! Don't ever doubt what a big part all of you play in my AVM Journey!

Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot

Ziggy Marley - Tomorrow People (1988)

Iron Maiden - The Evil That Men Do (Music Video 1988)

and that about sums it up!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Got one... not so much news...

...but a diagnosis.

I have done some research for everyone. I hope this answers some questions everyone might have.

What is HHT and AVMs?


What is hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)?

HHT is a genetic disorder that causes abnormalities of blood vessels. Most blood vessels in the body of someone with HHT are normal. However, a small percentage of the blood vessels in a person with HHT have a specific type of abnormality.
Blood vessels are the tubes that carry blood around our bodies. There are two types of blood vessels: arteries and veins. Arteries carry blood under high pressure out to all areas of the body after being pumped by the heart. Veins carry blood that should be under low pressure, back to the heart. An artery does not usually connect directly to a vein. Usually there are very small blood vessels called capillaries that connect an artery to a vein.
A person with HHT has a tendency to form blood vessels that lack the capillaries between an artery and vein. This means that arterial blood under high pressure flows directly into a vein without first having to squeeze through the very small capillaries. This place where an artery is connected directly to a vein tends to be a fragile site that can rupture and result in bleeding. We usually call a blood vessel that is abnormal in this way a telangiectasia (tel-AN-jee-eck-TAZE-ee-ya), if it involves small blood vessels. We tend to call it an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) if involves larger blood vessels. So, an AVM might be thought of as a big telangiectasia. The basic abnormality in the blood vessel is the same.
Telangiectases tend to occur at the surface of the body such as the skin and the mucous membrane that lines the nose. AVMs tend to occur in the internal organs of the body. The telangiectases (plural for telangiectasia) and AVMs of HHT occur primarily in the nose, skin of the face, hands, and mouth and the lining of the stomach and intestines (GI tract), lungs, liver and brain. It is not currently known why these abnormal blood vessels tend to occur in certain parts of the body and not others.

What is an arteriovenous malformation (AVM)?
Normally blood flows from the heart through large arteries to all areas of the body. The arteries branch and get smaller until they become a capillary, which is just a single cell thick. The capillary bed is where the blood exchanges oxygen and nutrients with the body tissues and picks up waste. The blood travels from the capillary bed back to the heart through veins. In an AVM, arteries connect directly to veins without a capillary bed in between. This creates a problem called a high-pressure shunt or fistula. Veins are not able to handle the pressure of the blood coming directly from the arteries. The veins stretch and enlarge as they try to accept the extra blood. The weakened blood vessels can rupture and bleed and are also more likely to develop aneurysms. The surrounding normal tissues may be damaged as the AVM “steals” blood from those areas.
There are four types of AVMs:
1. Arteriovenous malformation – abnormal tangle of blood vessels where arteries shunt directly into veins with no intervening capillary bed; high pressure.
2. Cavernoma – abnormal cluster of enlarged capillaries with no significant feeding arteries or veins; low pressure.
3. Venous malformation – abnormal cluster of enlarged veins resembling the spokes of a wheel with no feeding arteries; low pressure, rarely bleed and usually not treated.
4. Capillary telangiectasia – abnormal capillaries with enlarged areas (similar to cavernoma); very low pressure.
AVMs can form anywhere in the body and cause symptoms based on their location.

Lung AVM
Approximately 30-50% of people with HHT have one or more AVM in the lungs (pulmonary AVM or PAVM). AVMs in the lung are at risk of rupture, particularly during pregnancy when blood pressure and blood volume tend to increase. This can lead to life threatening bleeding. In addition people with lung AVMs are at risk for stroke (a clot in the brain blocking off blood flow) or brain abscess (a bacterial brain infection). Stroke and brain abscess can be life threatening or disabling. In the normal lung, the capillaries between an artery and vein act as a filter for impurities (clots, bacteria, air bubbles) in the blood, before the blood circulates to other parts of the body, including the brain. When lung AVMs are present, these particles can pass through the AVM, go to the left side of the heart and then on to the brain or other organs. Fortunately, lung AVMs are usually easily treatable.

Brain AVM
Brain AVMs are found in about 5-20% of people with HHT and can also be successfully treated in most cases. They can be life threatening or disabling if they bleed. Since they often do not cause warning symptoms prior to causing a brain hemorrhage, we recommend screening for them in all people with HHT. Spinal AVMs are more rare and can also be removed. They can cause pain in the back over the spine or loss of feeling or function in an arm or leg.

Liver AVM
Liver AVMs can also occur, are relatively common, but rarely cause sudden, severe medical complications like lung and brain AVMs can. Liver AVMs almost never bleed and most are not currently treated. Large AVMs in the liver occasionally cause heart and liver failure, usually later in life. Heart failure can occur if the heart has been overworked for years, pumping extra blood through the low resistance pathway of an AVM (in this context an AVM is sometimes called a “Shunt”.

All I can say is WOW!
Give her a visit.

As for my life... it is the same.
No job... no prospective leads.
(Nordic said NO to my request to come back.)
It is the economy... stupid.

According to my inside people it is bad! Very BAD!!!! Well we'll see who survives.

I have a list of who's who in the spa / hot tub industry it should prove intestine who's web sites disappear... the web site is

So now have a little big of youtube...

ALIENS 1986 Music Video - Zero Signal

Land Of Confusion - Genesis

Poison - I Wont Forget You

and oh ya.... the movie Platoon came out 1986... so we'll celebrate it....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hey maby you can help....

I have been losing position with my web page.

It is a useful page... I like to think of it as a one of kind.

Help! I am losing position.


Hello eveybody!

I got wife... so don't expect much from me today.
but let me youtube ya'

Iron Maiden - Aces High [1984 Music Video]

Runner (1984) Music Video

Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight (Music Video 1984)

good bye!

Monday, September 29, 2008

A couple AVM news stuff.

‘I can’t wait to get back to work’

8:50am Monday 29th September 2008

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By Hayley Korn »

THREE years after her fight to save her husband’s life, a Kings Langley woman has spoken frankly of her battle to stay strong and keep her family together.

Julia Nash, of Water Lane, has been through a rollercoaster ride of emotions since her husband Pete was first diagnosed with a large Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM), or tangle of abnormal blood vessels in his brain in 2004.

Pete, a father of three boys, had been suffering with epilepsy, loss of memory and headaches and was left unable to work, drive or do any of the sports he loved.

According to Pete, if left alone, the AVM could have burst at any time, but West Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust turned down the funding to do the operation that would remove the AVM, because it considered the procedure to be too risky.

The whole village and wider community began helping to raise the £70,000 to fund the operation that would eventually save Pete’s life.

But the force behind the effort was Pete’s wife, Julia.

She fought with the Government to get laws changed, and the case ended up being discussed in the House of Lords.

Julia, 43, said: “Now, although Pete is thankfully almost cured, we are left in a complete financial mess, and whereas before I did not really think about it, I was running around to hospital appointments and focusing on Pete, now, we are hanging on to our house for dear life.

“Coping financially is our biggest strain.”

Julia, whose art career has recently taken off with exhibitions around Watford, has started work on a new book, due to be published in December.

Julia said: “When the Sky documentary came out it was 45 minutes long.

“There is so much people were not able to see from watching the documentary because there was not the airtime to show it.

“But in my book I give a frank account of how Pete’s illness and the fight with the Government affected us, how it almost destroyed us as a family and how I nearly had a breakdown.”

Years later, Pete, 40, has just been given his driving licence back and can start working again.

He said: “I am so looking forward to starting work again, it is nerve-wracking after three years but I cannot wait.

“I am also really excited about running the Abbots Langley Tough Ten and should get round much quicker this year.”

Julia said that last year, she ran hand-in-hand with Pete during the Tough Ten, the event that raised a considerable amount of money for his cause, Pete’s Fund.

But this year, she said, she is looking forward to seeing him run off ahead of her.

The couple are looking for businesses for sponsorship and are hoping for more runners to join them.

Julia, who is now helping other AVM sufferers and their families, through her Facebook page, added: “It keeps me going.

“There have been many times during these three years when I have felt like running away, but then I kept saying to myself, come on Julia, you are a strong girl, but sometimes you get to the point where you have had enough of fighting and trying to keep hold of what is rightfully yours.

“Other couples may have split up but we have stayed strong and are lucky we had a close family around us when things got very bad.”

The Abbots Langley Tough Ten is on Sunday, October 5. For more information telephone race secretary Pat Waterton on 01923 263840.



The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation and
Dakota Lane Johnston

We're less than a month away from the chili cook-off. And I have to tell you that I'm extremely excited - I think we're going to have a big turn out.

Dakota will be on everyone's mind this day. We all know that he was taken too soon but he will always be with us.

If you would like to make a donation in Dakota's name to The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation, please click here. There will also be an opportunity on the day of the cook-off to make a contribution. This is such a wonderful way for us to honor Dakota and to contribute to the continued research of aneurysm and AVM (Arterio-Venous Malformation).

We look forward to seeing you there.

that one is from here

these are from Amazon'

I like it....

Full Metal Jacket - 10 Minutes of Boot Camp
I do what to my neck???

ok enough...

I don't have anything to say...

it's a shame.