Friday, May 01, 2009

I will be goan a few days...

I am going out of town for a couple of days.
Try real hard not to miss me....

I'll give you a hint... We are going to a prison. To visit a relative. And he ain't a guard....

Why oh why did I choose to marry into this....
got to go...

peace out...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

got my mri back today...

and the results were...






I still only have 1/2 of a brain but it was the half I was using anyway.

Sorry I put you through so much... truly.

Today is a bad day... I won't try to explain it... but know it ain't 'cause I'm bleeding.

gonna go... say hi to whomever.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

American Idol 5 Left... The Good Bye Show

Well we'll see what you had to say!

America this is your show... Welcome to...
American Idol!
47 Million votes!

Hicks and Nattily Cole will entertain us.... whoopee! (I really don't like the entertainment... )

is not in the bottom three... holy smoke!
neither is

There is your bottom three!

Nattily don't do a thing for me... she sang... well sort of...

Now were going to hear from Taylor Hicks... how did he do? Well he did not suck...
He sang one of his songs from a new album. It will be the last I hear of it...

"The Distance" is the name of Hicks new album...

Is the bottom two... ooohhh exciting... yawn!

and going home is....

Was it... big surprise... not.
Matt Girard.
(how ever you spell it)

Well maybe we'll do this again next week...


I had my MRI...

Had it... get back to you with the results.

If this wasn't such a pain... it wold be a pleasure... okay I am lying.
got to go... be back later.
Peace out,

I'm back...
miss me.... I knew you would.... HA!!!

how about some youtube?

Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love

okay that was bad... but you know what... I kinda like it....

I went through 2000's and up... but the music is all blocked ... so no new tunes for you!

A little 60's for ya'
Canned Heat - Going Up The Country

Guns N' Roses - Mr. Brownstone

Guns N' Roses-I used to love her

I like Axyl Rose... cause he's older that me...
I wonder who will see this... it is an edit...

munnnnn wonder wonder wonder....

I am getting a headache... oh no.... so I'm gonna go... for now... see ya!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Idol 5 Left...

The perfect idol???
Sure Jammie Foxx...

First one to compete... Kris Allen

He dose okay... did he make it to the next round? Yea I think so...maybe not.

number two... Allison (Iraheta) Irasomething.

"Over Me"
She rocked... It is one of the best... She should stay.

Three is Matt Giraud

"That funny Valentine"...Will he make it.... No, sorry Mi I think he's going home...

No 4, Is Danny Gokey

"I waana Love You..." Should he stay... yes.

#5 is Adam Lambert

"Freedom ..." something...
How about that last note! WOW!
He will make it to the finials.

well know tomorrow.

a lil 'bout me...

I have been feeling bad the last couple of days... so I'll keep this short...

I love 80's music... and 70's music too.. that is why when you tune in there is so much stuff here.

Don't get me wrong I like the stuff that is real new too... It is just 70's and 80's got me in there grip...

Led Zeppelin-Stairway to Heaven

cat stevens Wild World

Iron Maiden Flight 666 - Run To The Hills

Mexican Radio...Wall of Voodoo.

Men at work: Land down under!!!!

Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance

okay... here is the breakdown I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow. I'll give you an update... as soon as I can.

"1,000,000" by Nine Inch Nails

thanks Daily Damage

I do not feel well today... I got nothing for AVM News... and I think I am going back to bed... good night.

Monday, April 27, 2009

From Kansas City.... AVM Story.

Hello fellow bloggers!

I find it strange writing and not really knowing if anyone has found us. My hope is that when someone finds out they have an aneurysm or avm, or a family is suddenly thrust into the chaos of a sudden rupture, they can find our blog and receive information and comfort. I think one of the first things you do when you are confronted with this, is to go online and research. It really is amazing what is out there and I know from personal experience that it does help to be able to read and research. I have found great comfort in several of our websites listed here. Sometimes just knowing that someone else is having the same issue or problem is helpful. It's good to hear what someone else might be trying to help.

I asked Terry last night how he felt his recovery was going. It has been 16 months since his rupture. He told me that he thinks it is going to take a lot longer then he thought. I told him that I would just like to see him at least start trying to do at least one thing every day to help his brain heal. I have bought crossword, find-a-word books, saved brain games on the computer, etc. but he has a hard time remembering to do it! He still is very fatigued most of the time. Last night he wanted to have an italian sausage sandwich. He used to make this all the time and I have never made it myself. He was in the kitchen for hours, but he did a great job! It is the first time in 16 months that he has actually started and finished a project! He did lose focus a couple of times, but then he got right back in there. Of course, I don't think he actually ate any of the italian sausage but he made it!

I'm a little nervous about speaking at the stroke recovery compendium this week. They just want me to tell them about our support group and how we started. I am hoping that by doing so that it will get the word out to more people. At our last meeting, a woman came and told us that she has known for a year that she has an aneurysm and is still trying to figure out what to do. She is older and already has some weakness on her right side. She is so fearful of something happening during the surgery. I can't blame her because I remember feeling the same way! It is such a hard decision to make. Of course, if you have a rupture, there is no decision. I remember that I could not have my aneurysm coiled (a much less invasive procedure) because the neck was too big. Now, after 8 years, I can say I am happy that I had it clipped and I don't worry about it at all (well not too much any way!).

Until next time - take care - come back!


from....really go check them out!!!
They also have several other web sites bookmarked. A real plus to those who have had one... and those who take care of us.

I had an interesting day , yesterday.
All day long I felt sleepy... took two naps.
Got ready for bed at 9:00
What happened next... well lets just say I did not like it... it was a flu???

I felt like I was going to die... yes die... (needles to say... I did not)

It was kinda weird... I had good old thumping in my brain case... double vision... partial paralysis... today I wake up... and feel fine. Strange.... very strange.

I know that I should tell my wife. but I don't think I am going to... she is more involved in her neck surgery. (And getting pills... she is an addict.)

So here I sit... wondering who I should tell...
and playing some youtube for you...

Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven

Led Zeppelin-kashmir

Dazed And Confused - Led Zeppelin

if you want to buy some Led Zeppelin...

That is that... see you tomorrow...
Peace out...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

scared...... An AVM Story.

this is not mine...


I was just recently told i have an avm and have had an avm all my life. after all the tests they concluded it is 6cm by 3,2 cm large and its in the center of my left side of the brain. Ok fix it right was my first thought... i have seen 4 different surgeons in the past 2 weeks yesterdays visit was the worse :( and most upsetting day of my life. I went to the university of Michigan, which is suppose to be the most advanced in brain work and avms in my area so i had some hope walking in.... when the surgeon walked in he had teary eyes to begin with i knew it wasnt going to be good :( a grown man looked me in the eyes crying and told me im sorry no one can help you... i guess he said they level out the avms mine would be a level or grade 5 not treatable he said he said won't treat it unless it bleeds.... he said if he did treat it now it could cause me to be paralyzed or to be in a vegetable state for the rest of my life.. he also said i am fertile but if i do make it to child baring years and get pregnant it will kill me, so within the month I will be being made infertile... he also told me i have an 85% chance of bleeding out and if not the 1st time the 2nd time i will die..I don't know what to do anymore or what to say im so scared and confused and lost i was soooo healthy before this all happened and now im planning my funeral :( He did give me one last hope he said there is a doctor in Paris i guess who deals with grade 5 AVMS has anyone heard of this doctor....?



I know how she feels... since my second pop life is strange... I look back and really want to slap the guy who was me. I did not get it...

Funny thing is I still may not get it....
oh well.... time to go... gonna go lose my butt at party poker.... bye bye....