Saturday, May 30, 2009


sting - shape of my heart

Sting - Russians

Sting - Fields of Gold

Sting - When We Dance


Sting - All this Time

Sting & Eric Clapton- Its Probably me

Sting - A Thousand Years

I just saw Sting... he's cool.

I got one... AVM News

I stumbled across this... thought you mite like it...

Girl Gets Jury Award Of $12.1M For Misdiagnosis

On Feb. 5, 2006, the 8-year-old plaintiff, presented to Salina Regional Health Center with complaints of severe neck pain, arm pain and numbness and tingling in her hands and feet. The nursing staff performed an assessment and presented her complaints to emergency medicine physician Lisa Gard, who was told by the girl’s mother that she had recently been exposed to streptococcal pharyngitis and had a history of recurrent Strep pharyngitis.

Gard did a full examination, including a gross neurological examination, which she claimed was completely normal. Her throat was normal and she had enlarged and tender lymph nodes. The doctor then performed a rapid strep screening test which came back positive, and diagnosed her as suffering from streptococcal pharyngitis. The minor was then discharged home in the care of her parents and given pain medication and antibiotics for treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis.

About 36 hours later, the girl, suffering from progressive weakness and paralysis, was brought back to the emergency room by her father, and then flown to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo., where doctors diagnosed a rare congenital defect in her spinal cord called an arteriovenous malformation (AVM). It had hemorrhaged and was putting pressure on the child’s spinal cord causing spinal cord compression and edema. The child underwent surgery to remove the AVM; however, by that time her spinal cord had been irreparably damaged due to the 36-hour delay in transferring her. After extensive rehabilitation, she remained an incomplete quadriplegic not requiring ventilator support....




Today I slept... I mean all day! I don't know why...

I do know that my back it out... it dose not hurt unless I move... so here I sit... wheehoo...

I sit alone a lot... It is not that it bothers me... it is just that I wonder what my friends are doing.

oh well...

got to get youtubed...

1983 Islington Squatter Punk Documentary

Wife home... gotta go...
try this...

Friday, May 29, 2009

no again with avm's

I just had to post it...

Led Zeppelin We're Gonna Groove

just Zepp...


I had to call unemployment... I have been on hold forever!!!!

They made me call due to the questionnaire... ooooooohhhhh!
I'm on hold....

so I cane here to vent!

might as well watch a little youtube!

Wish you were here...
and I wasin't

Hay they answered! What do you know!!!
I'm back on hold....

Family Guy - Fast Animals Slow Children

Lord Of The Rings - Opening scene

I am still holding...

Hey they are with us now.... I got my benefits! Somegun!

okay what should I post...

I have the first one... he jamms!
Okay... gonna go... be good to one another!

No avms... what am I doing?

Well let me tell you...
I started posting books over on Ebay.

I don't know if my brains are good enough...but we'll see.

I don't know if those will work...

but I gotta make money!

Anyone got a suggestion... I'm open to it...

LOTR Battle of Helms Deep

wife is home...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What happed to me...

Well I went job hunting... I batted a "0"...

There is no news in the AVM department.
That's good news!

I chose to be honest with my Unemployment Questionnaire...

I wrote a new web page... if it works I will be happy!
here it is
it is a touch slow...

I wanna see it... anybody got a comment.

Marcy Playground- Sex and Candy

see you a round...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thanks to Dust in a Sunbeam...

It is scary good! Thank you Dust in a Sunbeam

I had a weird day... I became very sleepy. About 3 hours later, after my nap, I feel fine.

Now I feel like I gotta go watch the video that I made of the Finals ...

oh check this out... I shaved my head! It is cool... to bad the whether here is COOL too...ah well...

freezin my balls off...
Gota go... c-ya!

one for you.... AVM

Read this...
New Jersey Doctors Now Delivering Non-Invasive, Image-Guided Radiosurgery Treatments Using Novalis Tx(TM) Technology

One patient's brain abnormality is treated in a single session; patient goes home that same day

PALO ALTO, Calif., May 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Minutes after receiving a single, powerful non-invasive radiosurgery treatment, John Sisco, 64, happily walked out of the treatment room without any need for an overnight stay in the hospital, and

read the rest...


This is the part I normally talk about me... Well I got nothing going on at the minute... other that a questionnaire from UNC. It has one question that may cause me to lose my electability. It is "Do you have any physical or medical condition, such as illness or injury, that may limit the work you can accept?". I have to answer Yes, on that one...

What to do....

I have until tomorrow to deiced.

Tim Curry Paradise Garage..

Look what I found.. damn it's been a long time since I have seen this..

Paradise Garage was on "The Best of Tim Curry"
Currently available in used to like new condition at amazon.. can you believe it sold originally for $9 or so.. now $45 and up!

ain't it cool....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


O you touch my ta la la... my ding ding dong!

Gunther - Tutti Frutti Summer Love

It's funny... I use to post this stuff... all the time...

there ya go... buy that!

World of Warcraft-Ding Dong song

ding ding dong (wow edition) II

fyi and youtube...

I should have waited before quitting my last job... but what are you to do with an up stealer! Especially when he's a friend of the CEO. I was expecting a call... but when it did not come... I knew something was up.

silly me...

You know what? I was looking for a picture of me, on Google. There are some 90K pictures with my name... but only one of me... that's depressing.

I gotta get a camera!

Split Enz - One Step Ahead

Devo - Live 1980

Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now

Now I don't feel so bad... I could not find my friends either. (yes, I'm talking google search.)

here bye something...

I'm outta here!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Well now we arn't going...

I think... The one with brain cancer made it! He will now get radio therapy and chemo-therapy.

The other one... nobody likes...

I have to go...

no youtube...

new AVM News...

Patient: Where is my medical report?
-Aabida Allaham

Monday, May 25th 2009

THE law states that patient doctor information is privileged but if patients request their medical report, they are entitled to it, says chief medical officer at the Ministry of Health Dr Anton Cumberbatch.

So why has 23-year-old Michelle De Leon been waiting almost a year to see what Dr Richard Spann at the Community Hospital of Seventh Day Adventists at Cocorite wrote in hers?...



As for me...

It looks like the date we're leaving is Tomorrow... I may try an Airlines... as I don't feel comfortable driving for so long.

Have some youtube...

Pink Floyd - Pigs

That's it for today... we'll see when we post again

Sunday, May 24, 2009

going to meet with family...

I may be gone for a few days.
In Mass. I have a few in-laws. Two of them have husbands who may or may not survive their hospitalizations.

One has a tumor of the brain (4 cm., cancer), one is going into hear and kidney failure.
They are not related.

When it rains it pours...

I still have two dogs to look after... don't know how I am going to pull that off...

They are about 10 hrs. away.

BTW. There were no new stuff on AVMs today.

I ran into a Pink Floyd concert last night... They really were masters of music...

Pink Floyd "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" Syd Barrett Tribute

Time - Pink Floyd

I don't know why I put them up... it was something I was planning to do today... maybe that was the reason...

It makes me think of death... the 2 who are faseing it now. I don't have a fear about it.. When you get on of these AVM's, I guess you have a chose to make... I chose not to be afraid. I, for lack of a different saying, welcome the peace... ah well...I should get going... good bye for now...