This is just my little place in the world to blog about whatever comes to mind. I plan to review books, movies, music, bands, bars food and restaurants, along with my wife, step sons, marriage past and present, anything is fair game! and AVM's
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
What do you think?
I have had a yahoo thing for a while... I just haven't been doing any thing with it.
What Can You Tell Me About Cerebral Avm’s?
cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a congenital disorder of blood vessels within the brain, characterized by tangle(s) of veins and arteries. While an arteriovenous malformation can occur elsewhere in the body, this article discusses malformations found in the brain...
read the rest...
now youtube...
That's funny!!
hay wait a minuet...
Okay now I'll give you something.
Now go but something...
good night...
Thursday, August 06, 2009
AVM (arterio-venous malformation) News... and some stuff on my.
Enact health care reform; it’s the right thing to do
To the Editor:Cumberland Times-News
I am 40 years old and I have returned to college to pursue a bachelor’s degree in social work after spending 20 years in the culinary field. Unfortunately, the employers of the restaurants I worked in (mostly small business) were unable to provide adequate, if any proper health care.
In 1995 I was diagnosed with an AVM (arterio-venous malformation) and was hospitalized for three to four weeks and underwent two stereotactic...
read more here........
Don't know why but I had a tough day... and a tough night... real yucky feeling.
So I am gona say good night.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
shoud I start another one with no title?
45 year - M
History (HX):
Seizure for 20 yrs
Huge vascular mass in right cerebral hemisphere which is composed of serpigenous signal void vascular structures, multiple feeding arteries (arising from both anterior and posterior circulation) and draining veins (draining into the superior and right lateral sinuses, vein of Galen and straight sinus)
Diagnosis (DX):Large AVM
it is from here
When will they come out with a cure...
That's it for AVM's today... not a bad haul...
I have made a decision... <---- I can't spell it (thanks yahoo speller) but I made one none-the-less. I am letting my house go behind... God I hope it's correct... but I don't know what to do... shy of hanging myself (kidding) I am going to keep all of my money makers open, for as long as I can. okay enough of that sad sad stuff... youtube...
EliteXC: Heat - Kimbo Slice Vs. Seth Petruzelli
I won't tell you how it ends... but ouch!
and now one for the ages...
Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
and I had to do it... sorry
Misty Mtn. Hop...
okay... you have suffered enough... ga' day.
AVM News!
Brain AVM 18 year female

Copyright (c) 2008 SharpBrains
Dana Press kindly sent us a couple of books. One of them, The Dana Guide to Brain Health: A Practical Family Reference From Medical Experts, is our topic today....
that's enough for now...
Good bye...
Monday, August 03, 2009
1 AVM ... and some stuff...
This is what my blog has added up to....
Elektronik Supersonik - Zlad -
I still want to say it is AVM related... but you know how "friends" can be.
My Mom Has Been Diagnosed With A 9mm Cerebral Berry Aneurysm.?
I just wondered if there are any brain surgeons out there who might be able to tell me what the treatment choices are? Its a mid cerebral berry aneurysm.
Im hoping surgery will be able to resolve this. Im very worried about her.
She is seeing her neurosurgeon on Friday.
Thanks in advance to all answers...
read it here...
There you go... good bye for now...
Sunday, August 02, 2009
got one... AVM and silly stuff.
Parents take daughter with rare disorder to U.S.
province denies funding
By Jodie Sinnema, Canwest News Service
Brooke VanAssen can't do many of the things other kids her age take for granted: scrub her teeth, roughhouse, gnaw at the inside of her cheek or absent-mindedly pick her nose, as all children do but never admit.
These things put her at risk of hemorrhaging...
Yes it is an AVM of the face.
Me.... I cannot believe it... I am in bed for the day.
This AVM is driving me nutz! and I know that it is not getting better. I want it to bet better... damn it.
I have a bit of a headache... okay I admit it it is a large headache.
but because you come here... (okay I admit it because I like it) I come here and spray my feelings out.
okay let see what youtube has to say...
Country.... Why not...United Breaks Guitars
Halo Music Video Hell... it's funny...
Eminem - Lose Yourself MUSIC VIDEO
or find it yourself...
alright that's a rap... peace