Dune will always have a special place in my heart. It was the first "serious" sci-fi book I ever read. I have now read it several times, and each time I still find some small nuance that I have missed in the past. (Or with my memory these days, forgot that I caught at some time in the past)
There are a lot of reviews out there on this book, so I am probably wasting my time talking about it here, but just incase you have been stranded on a desert island for the last 40 years, here’s a quick run down.
Duke.. good guy…
Duke ..bad guy…
Good guy killed.. son comes of age.. all sorts of wild shit happens..
Reader.. left breathless…
Frank Herbert wrote a number of Dune books that followed this one, none were as good, a few were good, don’t get me wrong, but this first book was astonishing.! It won nearly all the major sci-fi awards, and deservedly so.
If you have never read this book and you like sci-fi even a little, I recommend you got a copy NOW! If you have not read it in a while, come back to Arrakis and play in the mind fields once again.
Click the icon below to see it at amazon.com
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