Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Poll: Huricane Katrina Funds, should they be diverted to Texas?

Because this is my first poll in this blog, I am going to ask that you please vote.. I also am going to ask that you pass this blog's URL on to everyone you know (don't spam people you don't know.. it's rude unless they are politicians.. then it's okay)
But I want to know...
After America stepped up to the plate and donated so many billions to Hurricane Katrina relief, the American pocket for charity may be a little light, if Hurricane Rita does hit Texas as a category 5 or even a category 4 and devastates the coast there, as badly as is being predicted...
Would it be okay for organizations like the Salvation Army and Red Cross to divert funds earmarked for Katrina victims to Rita victims?
Leave a comment Yes or No.

(Through organizing a fund raiser I have raised just over $12,000 for the Red Cross, and plan now to do it again with hopes of $18,000) and I don;t care where they use it as long as it is used for victims of disaster here at home.

Should organizations like the Red Cross and Salvation Army be able to divert funds earmarked for Huricane Katrina Victims to Huricane Rita victims, if the need to do so arrises?
Yes or No.
Pass it on

Should the Salvation Army and Red Cross be able to divert Katrina Reliefe funds to Rita victims if need be?
I don't know.
I don't care

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  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I think that Hurricane Katrina was A very disturbing thing

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I think that Hurricane Katrina was A very disturbing thing

  3. Anonymous5:19 PM

    hurricane Katrina was a distubing thing.
