The de-Christmasification of America. One Atheist’s Perspective.
By DeRex
First things first, I was brought un in a basically Christian environment, went to church every weekend for years.. I did not mind it, but was never a big believer.
Later in my teens I experimented with spirituality, trying to find “truth”. I actually thought I had come close a few times, with this or that faith or sect, but in the end was left feeling empty.
Later in my twenties, I got to a point that I just did not have any faith in a divine being. I don’t think I have every answer, but trying to explain the unexplained by calling it divine, or magic, or whatever just seemed like ignorance to me.. so I took the scientific path. . and proclaimed my atheism, as much as you proclaim a thing like that.. usually atheists are just quiet observers of people of faith, we have no drive to save you from your beliefs, regardless of what they are.. and really don’t care what they are as long as you do not try to impose them on us.
Then this yo-yo in California goes after the school and the pledge and the money and wants to rub all signs of God from the town square… stating separation of church and state as his reasoning.. he my friends is an idiot!
Separation of Church and State has nothing to do with muttering God’s name (whichever one you prefer) in public, it has everything to do with the King of England forming the C of E (Church of England) , of which I have been a member, in order to supplant the Catholic church, and it’s bid for power in the courts or Europe. All the founders said was that they (the government) would not form it’s own church.. period.. pretty simple really.
Putting “In God We Trust” on money is not a formation of a church, saying “under God” in the pledge is not starting a church.. it is just stating a belief. In a creator, that they have chosen to name “God.
Who cares?!?! As a non-believer, with many non-believing friends, we really do not give a rats-rip if you believe in a higher power or not.. I do not care if you have a Christmas Tee , a Menorah or nothing at all in front of your house this “holiday season”. I do not care if you shout merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah at me in the morning. I am not offended at all.. don’t then try to convert me to your religion and do not be surprised when I say Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, or Good Ramadan back at you, even though I do not believe in your tradition, I do feel you have a right to be happy with your holiday.. more power to you!
The fact that the Congressional Christmas Tree, has been re-named to “The Holiday Tree” upsets me, the same for Boston’s Tree, and every Christmas play that is now a Holiday Play because it is being done by a school.. people the songs are Christmas Carols, not Holiday Carols, an Evergreen with ornaments and lights is a Christmas tree! A menorah is a menorah! It is not a holiday candelabra!
If you people that believe are so spineless as to be afraid to say Merry Christmas, or Happy Hanukkah, or Good Ramadan to someone because they may not believe and may be offended then you deserve to loos your traditions and history!
For my fellow atheists, and non-believers, if you get bent out of shape over a Christmas tree in the town square, then you should probably have your head examined, for being a zealot.. you know that nasty z word we save for people who try to save our souls.. and knock on our door handing out flyers on afternoons in the weekends.. you know kooks!
I suppose any belief even non-belief will have it’s kooks.. atheism is no exception. But believe me, when I say , the vast majority of those who do not believe , only want to live in peace with all those who do believe in something. We want you to be free to express your beliefs anyway you see fit, and only want you to respect our wishes to not express a belief.
You may now rip me apart for being a godless heathen, but I will say to you, that you are no better than the atheist that goes to a religious blog and says something asinine like “Merry Christmas, there is no god.”
You will not be serving any purpose other than verifying all faiths and non-faiths have a percentage of kooks.. it is only human nature.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Good Ramadan, Happy Kwanza , beneficial solstice, and a Prosperous Saturnalia to you all.. or nothing at all, it is all good.
I know you are just spamming me.. but thanks.. I will go look at your site.. I will wonder what it is like to have sheepskin on my feet rather than my member. (I have a girfriend with a latex alergy, what can I say???)
ReplyDeleteI wonder if those moccosins would double for a contraceptive? Perhpas.. I know I guy that has a pair or glasses he uses as a contraceptive. The Military call them BCG's (Birth Control Glasses)
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ReplyDeleteshoud I delete them.... ummm I wonder.