I really want to see this movie.. I was wondering if any of you did.
Please tell me it was great.. please...
How about you NIx?
Your a movie kook..
I am very excited, even though some of Peter (whatsisname's) movies have been real bonners. But LOTR was a killer filck(s) and I think it was good enough to make up for past sins..
So somone , anyone please comment here on Kong!
Or go ride a Guanaco to hell.
(gwänä´kō) or huanaco (hwän´äko) , wild, hoofed mammal of the camel family, Lama guanicoe, found on arid plains in the Andes Mts. It is about 31⁄2 ft (105 cm) high at the shoulder, with a long neck; it is brown on the back and sides, with light underparts and a dark face. Although previously regarded by some authorities as the ancestor of the domestic llama and alpaca, genetic studies show that only the llama is descended from it. The guanaco is not domesticated, but indigenous South Americans use its flesh for food and make its hide into clothing and other coverings and its bones into various implements. Encroachments on its grazing land have reduced its numbers. The guanaco is classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Artiodactyla, family Camelidae.
it's like a Llama.. but different, and they never boo (whistle)at a good cricket match.. while the South American Alpaca has a nasty temper when faced with any sporting event other than competitive sleeping.
(ălpăk´) , partially domesticated South American hoofed mammal, Lama pacos, of the camel family. Genetic studies show that it is a descendant of the vicuña. Although the flesh is sometimes used for food, the animal is bred chiefly for its long, lustrous wool, which varies from black, through shades of brown, to white. Flocks of alpaca are kept by indigenous people in the highlands of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. They feed on grasses growing close to the snow line, and they require a pure water supply.
The Incas had domesticated the alpaca and utilized its wool before the Spanish Conquest, but subsequently the alpaca and the llama were extensively hybridized, leading to a gradual reduction in the amount of high quality alpaca wool. Exporting of alpaca wool to Europe began after Sir Titus Salt discovered (1836) a way of manufacturing alpaca cloth. Breeding alpacas is a small but growing industry in the United States, Canada, and some other non-Andean nations.
Alpacas are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Artiodactyla, family Camelidae.
While the LLama, has never been a champion of science fiction, it can be said. that.. (Alright, this is just getting silly.. now move along.. go on move on.. nothing more to see here.. )
LLama breeding, it's a man's life.
I was working (as you should know), but I am hoping to go on Tuesday afternoon and try to miss a big crowd.
ReplyDeleteSometimes a big crowd is something I look forward to, but I want a mostly empty theater for this one.
Nix says: You'll be one of the first to know, dude. (Oh, and thank fucking god, one of my friends owns Darkness Falls and I didn't have to buy that POS. Review to come, soon.)
I like a big crowd (in my pants) other than that, I see my fellow man as smelly hairless monkeys mostly.
ReplyDeleteI am so gonna verbaly whip your ass.. with thoughful conjecture and about 12,000 mis-spelled words.
DeRex Says: Bring it on!