Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Back to regular business and NixEclips, Jennifer Aniston and Bruna Bianco.

Well depressing as it is nixeclips is not yet a top ten at technorati, and I blame all of you.

Last night I watched Cinderella Man, it was fucking great.
I would like to see old nixie do a review of it,, here is my 4 minute review. (no time to spell check so tough luck for you)
Fighter, big money making fighter, great depression hits, fighter looses everything, takes fights for $50 when he used to make Thousands!

Fighter has good heart, loves family yada yada yada.

Fighter has no left.
Fighter breaks right hand, figther cannot fight, gets another chance, becomes champ YEA!

This is a Rocky like story, but with better cinimatography and acting.
The fact that is is based on a true story makes it even more cool.. if you are into that sort of thing.
I enjoyed it throughly, and it even was interesting enough for my wife to watch it and keep her yap shut! (For over 2 hours.. this is a record!)

In other events..
I talked with Cheryl from my list of lost frieds yesterday!
She is doing very well.
She has sent me an email with her picture attached.. and I have to say she is even sexier now than she was all those years ago!.

It was nice to talk about prople that we both knew, and also interesting to hear events from another perspective.

I had a hard time knowing just what to say.. what do you say to somone aftrer 20 years, that you used to lust after? (I know besides "can I see your tits")

The years although strange at times, seem to have been very good to her. I am glad.
I miss my old friends, and feel like i have let myself down somehow by loosing touch with them.

I hope that i can stay in touch with her, and all my friends from years gone by that by some miricle and a littel internet savy I have come back into touch with.

Now the real test is coming.. Debbie.
I was so fucking in love with Debbie (Cheryl's sister) I have been told that Deb will be contacting me shortly.. I just hope I do not make a complete ass of myself when she does email.

I maen for chrissake.. this is the girl to whom all others were held up against and found lacking.
Sure i have felt love since, but fuckin-a this one was really the first..

I am sure i will manage to come across as a complete nutter, or worse a dork that wants to relive the past.. (although for about an hour or two I could do a littel re-living.. with both sisters at the same tiem.. ohhhhh.. (drooling).. (SNAP OUTTA IT FUCKER!)
oh where was I>?
and how did this herring get here?

Anyway, life is good, the internet a great tool, and here I though it was just for porn all this time.

Has anyone seen the Jennifer Aniston boobie pictures?

Bruna Bianca, wouldn't it have been funny if ther ewas no Bruna Bianca? I mean at onepoint yesterday I thought for sure she was a joke on all of the blogosphere.. but turns out she is the girl of the month.. and people were really trying to find her.

I had thought that perhpas it was an intentional misspelling of Bruno Bianca. The famous Itialain Monetary painter, and second hand shoe salesman. Or wasn't that the name of the sial maker that fucked the goat in that bad joke?

The shoes that OJ wore, were (unspellable) but were pronounced like "Bruno Malli", when I was divorced from my second wife (my second true love) I hired a friends band to play at a party I threw.. for one night only his bad was called the "Bruno Malli Blues Band".

I had to throw a divirce party in order to keep from going insane.. by the time my friend was singing "Douggie with The Milky White Skin" and "The Circus Song" my blues were a thing of the subconcious.
(But who can blame me with lyrics like.. "I went to the circus, adn the clown he touched me .. there".)

Life is really a strange ride, from front to back filled with thrills, and long periods of udder boredom... it is like 50% space mountian, 50% Driving miss daisy.. and in the end, you smack into a wall and die.

For chrissake it makes me want to write bad poetry..

A name
A girl
another girl
two girls, sisters they are
push , shove, ugh..

Is it sinful to want to have a meange'twa with two sisters you have not seen in nearly 20 years?

(Okay with any two sisters?)

How about a gangbang.. two sisters, two of there cousins which are also sisters, adn then if I could get my ex-wife and her sister.. hooo boy!??

I think If I die and go to heaven, that I will be met by sisters and cousins, and sisters who are cousins, and ther ewill be plenty of wine, and song, and not a lot of clothes.. maybe a twister game, adn the lesson that cooking oil and chocolate syrup do mix, when spread lightly over the twister playing surface.

All I ever wanted was to be a sex slave..

I tried out for a porno once.. but could not act well enough.

Actually I have a friend who did go try out for porn, and despite the beautiful young lady who he was there to do.. could not perform infront of a croud of fully clothed people.
I do nto think I woudl have had that problem, but lets face facts, I am a European White guy.. who takes an anit-depressant, knwon to cause shrinkage.. add in a littel AC and I am so short dicked, I could possibly get confused for one of the girls in the orgy seen.. and I woudl be ina fight if a dude tried to bang me.. even if it was on accident.
Plus who wants to see porn with a fat bald short dicked guy in it?

Actually you would think that men would want to see short dicked porn.. it would make you feel better about the "situation at hand".

I hate watching porn with guys that have HUGE MONSTER COCKS, when I am with a wonam.. always makes me wonder.. if I am adequate.. I need to get some porn where the dudes are all hung like knats.
(I can see it now.. back of my mind.. "ohh if she os moaning over that little speck imagine the screems my 6" could bring".)

Q: what's 12 long and white.
A: Nothing.

okay enough goofy shit for one day..
and nix thought HE needed a bogger blog.

Don;t forget to go to and search for nixeclips today..
PS> Spell checker is for pussies!

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