Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Dueling Reviews part Dux! Darkness Falls..

Alrighty! We have done ATJ, and I hated it as I knew I would, now Nixie will endure a movie that I like, and that makes him want to schedual oral surgery rather than watch.. it's only fair.. life is a big shit sandwich and now it is good old Nixeclips' turn to take a bite.

He says that he will actually buy a copy!
If you want to play along, you too can buy a copy at
by clicking on this link.. (hint hint hint)

Look at that best price.. come on people, don't be so fucking cheap!


  1. I think the fact that the best price is $1 speaks volumes for this flick.

    Do some research and you'll find (as I already knew) that one of the producers was behind "Rock and Roll Nightmare" and "Zombie Nightmare". The only half-way decent flick he was involved in was "Black Roses", I think. It's been awhile.

    Nix says: Jesus. I can't believe I'm gonna do this.

  2. Suprisingly enough, one of my friends has a copy. WTH was he thinking? Anyway, I'll get to it when I have time away from my trivia.

    Nix says: I have the shirt. But it was free.

  3. ohh I am gonna so Sickskull you on this one.. and jesus ain't got nothing to do with this evil shit.. (I had to watch ATJ for CRISSAKE!)
