About 10 years ago , I was placed on an Anti-depressant med, because I was going through a messy divorce, and well quite frankly I was not sure I could live without her.. (I said this in front of the right person, and whammo.. on anti-depressants I go)
So fast forward a couple of years.. I started on some med, changed to another due to side effects.. I can’t remember which ones, but some unpleasant thing was happening.. I have taken Luvox, Paxil, Prozac, and Zyban (perhaps another, I don’t remember) and usually took the generic of each.. I can’t remember their names right now either, and I don’t feel like looking them up for you.. :-P
In the last year, I have been taking the generic for Luvox.. as a result I have started to loose my memory, and suffer from sever fatigue, and (blush) have lost a good portion of my sex drive. (I know it does not seem like it when you read this blog, but trust me.. it ain’t here like it once was)
There is a possibility that I have another undiagnosed medical issue, I am having thyroid and sugar ,and damn near every other thing being checked, results due soon.
But I did not bring you here to tell you that..
What I brought you here for is this.
As part of trying to overcome this fatigue, my physician decided that I should get off of Luvox, and start on Wellbutron (zyban).
For one week, I took one wellbutron, and one half of a luvox.
They say that these medications are not addicting.. I say FUCK YOU! For the last week + a couple of days, my skin has been crawling, I am super fucking irritable, and I can’t sleep.
After one week, stop taking luvox all together and take one wellbutron for one week, then up to two.
So two days ago, I stopped taking Luvox.. last night at 12:00 I woke up, with a craving.. a sever craving.. I thought it was for a cigarette, it was not. I smoked about 6 of them, trying to get this skin crawling, bugging out anxiety wanna fucking kill something bullshit to subside. (It did not)
All day today, I have been super edgy.. I mean my wife called.. (okay I don’t; get along with her all that well, but usually I can stay civil regardless of what is going on) She asked me a simple question, and I ex-fucking-ploded! I screamed at her.. then I started to fucking cry, then I wanted to go jump off the top of the building, because I felt so bad! (I didn’t do it.. so fuck off if you think I need to be committed or some such shit)
My pont is this, if I do nto do something about this withdrawal, I will loose my job. I cannot think, I cannot remember wha I am doing, my head is fucking spinning, I feel like I want to puke, and shit all at once, and I want to hurt something. (I ain’t gonna hurt nothing, so fuckoff again)
What a cock-sucker this shit is, Here I am 10 years out from my “emotional trauma” and I can’t get off this shit.
Because the medical community all agrees it is not addicting, I can’t get any help from my insurance carrier, should I decide I do need to go into rehab for it.. you can’t go into rehab for something that the pharmaceutical industry makes several billion dollars a year from apparently. (FUCKING COCK SUCKERS!)
(Bad news, even if I could go into treatment for it, I would loose my job.. they do not have much mercy on people who have genuine illness, much less “addiction”.. muthafuckers!)
So I guess, that I like so many people, is just plain screwed! Screwed by the medical community, the pharmaceutical companies, and the FDA.. Tonight I will start taking luvox again, because I cannot stand not to. I guess that makes it addicting, huh.. not according to Uncle Sam and the mutha-fuckers that are making huge bank from this.
I feel like I am being ass-raped, and the only lube being used is sand.
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUFK FUFOP:”IYTEW ilutregy43qbo8t43 1oi;3wnt32c t432 t432 p]\5:11 PM
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