Okay no secret.. I don;t have much "Christmas Spirit"
But last night with the boys their wives and girlfriends, and all of the kids (grandchildren.. yikes) was not bad..
I am still feeling "off" dur to a change in medication. but that did not seem to slow me much, I took a lovely little nap between 3 and 5 and upon waking had a pounding headache.. so it was good pratice for when all the Vikings were over. (I have decided that the boys are the Viking raiders, featured in the Capitol One comercials, it's easier to deal with them if you just see them as lost Warring Noris Scumbags.. actually leads to some interesting mind-visuals)
SO anyway, they started shwoing up at 5 and trickled in until 7 or so.. 4 boys, two wives, two gilrfriends, an Uncle, and 7 children ranging in age from 12 down to 1. Yep housefull!
It has become tradition that I play Santa.. funny.. pegan santa?
I have a santa suit.. with a bad beard adn even worse wig.. all of the presents for the kinds were in the basement, as was the santa suit.. I went down doned the suit, snuk out the side door, and made an entrance.. it is actually very nice to see all of the kids eyes light up upon the entrance of the great Santa.. I handed out presents 4 to each.. and exited.. lots of ho ho hos along the way.
The 9 and 12 year old boys, still believe in Santa, or claim to.. I told the 12 year old last year, to keep believeing as it meant extra presents.. hell I thought that was his "angle" .. wouldn;t suprise me if it was.
I stopped believing at age 6.. when I cought my parents wrapping things, that were from santa the following day.. I spoke up.. soulda kept my mouth shut.. santa brough all the cool stuff.. parents bought me clothing.. afer the :great revelation" I got mostly clothes from then on out.
Anyway back to the night's festivites..
What do you get 4 viking warriors, and there wives?
Well I don;t know either.. so I play a little game..
I went to the store (a large store like a super wallmart but different) I grabbed random things, some good some bad, some outright silly.. then I take them back home, wrap them in three groups.. male, female and anyone.. the male stuff, was decks of cards,, motor oil.. tools..etc. Th eGirls, picture frames, bath salts, yada yada.. the miscelanous, (my favotire group) Hot sauce, flashlights, lottory tickets, and of course a cocoanut. (Every year somone gets a coacoanut from me.. I don;t know why.. it's a python thing I think.. look up migratory cocoanuts, european swallows,a dn air speed velocity if you don;t believe me)
Then each present gets a playing card attached.. the three groups are split up.. girls, boys, everyone.. then the gilrs draw cards form one of the decks.. and go get their present.. you have to guess what the present is.. of draw a deed from the envelope of bad deeds.. if you don;t guess you have to preform the stunt on the paper you drew.. these ranged from sing the star spangled banner, to take me out to dinner...
It keeps everyone laughing and busy, so ther eis little time to argue and fight.
Then when all the presents were dispenced, and guessed or not and all bad deeds done.. the boys left taking or leaving wives behind, to play hold 'em at the youngest sons house, ther ethey drank too much and got into fistfights with eachother, and in one case, a husband and wife wet at eachother, but it was not in my house.. score this a win!
I had fun, but I noticed somthing alarming.. I get anxiety (kinda severe) when I know they are all coming.. I think that this anxiety may be turning into general social anxiety.. as I somtimes ahve a hard time talking with people I don;t know, in a face to face situation, I start to fidgit, notice I can;t look them in the eye.. perhpas this will be somthing to work on.. (blogs are great for self analysis arent they?)
Okay now the admissions part of this post.. most people have stopped reading and gone on by now, so I dont; feel bad sharing with you the die hard reader..
My step sons, all have extreamly hot wives.. I did think inpure thoughts more than once... about them each individualy, and once about all of them collectivly.. heheheh..
I was wonding if next year, after the children have all left, if naked oil coverd twister could not be the game to get your presents with.. of course I will ahve to send my wife to europe for christmas, and stay behind to take care of business to do this.. (okay it is a rediculous thought, but let me revel in my imagination won;t you)
yes in deedy.. the naughty little girls each nekkid .. twister.. oil.. (okay I feel better now)
(for those of you that do not know, the "girls" range in age from 22 to 30.. )
Well. I am off to my christian grandmothers, house now.. I love this lady, she took a great part in my "raising" she is 84 now.. and is starting to show some miles.. I may not have another christmas with her.. but I may have several, so I ain;t dweeling on it.. THis will be a tuly peaceful afternoon.. I like that.
Now all I have to do is get through New Year's Eve without a brawl in the house, and another holiday season will be behind me..
Sorry no time to speel check, so you will have to live with the typos..
For those of you, who know me, I love you all.
For those of you who don;t know me but I will grow to know.. I love you long time.
For those of you who I will never know.. bugger off.
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