"First things first.. where's your shitter!?"
Actually, i feel bad about being a bit of a wet blankey yesterday.. somtimes things trigger me adn I get so pissed off at my situation, I just gotta vent.. so if I offended you.. fuckoff!
I recieved another Nigerian Scammer letter..
Now you know how i feel.. I don't want anyof you to waste this persons tiem with wild goos chases.. nor do I want you to just send him tons of spam.. 'cause that just aint right..
but here is the copy.. with the scammers email address included.
(so no going to porn sites adn siging him up for free porn!)
letter copy..
Permit me to introduce myself, my name is Dr.JACOB UDERIKE I work with
Union Bank of Nigeria Limited as(Assistant Auditor),in the discharge of
duty,I stumbled on this domiciliary account that has remained dormant
three years now with Eighteen million Five hundred Thousand
dollars(US$18.5m) in it.
I contacted my director and we sent out staff for enquiries and
that the account holder died in an accident. I am writing you so that
we can
work together to remit the money to you as the next of kin because this
money belongs to a foreigner and has to be claimed by a foreigner.
I guarantee this transaction under a legitimate arrangements that will
breach the law by both parties, it is simple process which will take a
while to process.If I hear from you,I will tell you all you need to
about the money.
N.B Please reply to my personal email address: (
jacobuderike@yahoo.com )
Best Regards,
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