Tuesday, December 06, 2005

who is bruna bianco.. bruna bianco uncovered.. literaly!

ths and more photos at


Here you will find pictures of the lovely young semi-nude modle bruna bianco. (Mostly swimwear shots)

Seems that our international woman of mystery is a brazilin bathing suit model. (With a great ass by the way.)

Funny enough, some dumb-dumb with a Christian bookstore blog decided to jump on the band wagon and posted a keyword thieving blog post trying to get some hits.. serves ‘em right!

He posted that Bruna Bianco had been interviewed at (name of his store/blog).

Well nude Brazillian models need god too don't they? (What a tool)

So now that we all know who Bruna Bianco is, can anyone tell me why she shot to number 1 with a bullet?

(I have a feeling that it has something to do with a macro, a computer nerd and a fetish for Brazilian booty and now all of us, who are scratching our heads wonder who the "F" Bruna Bianco is?)

And after you do that.. someone explain the Daphne Tao thing to me, there are a lot of hotter bloggers out there.. not that I would throw her outta bed for eating crackers.. but come on.. Xaxiue is easily hotter.. and Reena Vasquez.. OMG.. makes me wanna well.. use your damn imagination, as to what she makes me want to do.. hint: It does not involve any small land mammals, but could involve a herring if the money was good enough.



  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I really don't think it was a nerd code!

    As Technorati describes itself: "Technorati is a real-time search engine".

    She's the girl of this month on TheGirl!

    So, some brazilians were looking for the exclusive pictures for subcribers of the site or some personal information of the girl. Foreigners just did the job trying to know who's she...

    Camila Macedo also apearred on Top Searchs (#9) yesterday.

    Please, get accustomed with brazilian terms. We spend too much time on internet! ;)

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I really don't think it was a nerd code!

    As Technorati describes itself: "Technorati is a real-time search engine".

    She's the girl of this month on TheGirl!

    So, some brazilians were looking for the exclusive pictures for subcribers of the site or some personal information of the girl. Foreigners just did the job trying to know who's she...

    Camila Macedo also apearred on Top Searchs (#9) yesterday.

    Please, get accustomed with brazilian terms. We spend too much time on internet! ;)

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Shop online today. Forget driving to the mall when you can just click the mouse and order from your favorite store. No traffic to deal with
