Monday, January 23, 2006

Fresh back and Goin' to California with an Achin' in my Heart...

Yes friends and neighbors it is official.. I am flying out on the 31st to LA.. city of the angels.. I'll be rollin' thru Compton on Dubs biotches!

Only goin' to be there about 1.5 days.. so no real fun to be had.. but ya never know.. I can have a shitload of fun in 48 hours with the right atmosphere, and accompanyment.

As of right now I am flying out solo.. I have meetings part of the day on the 21st.. and then back in the air ewarly afternoon on the 2nd.. really not much time.

With any luck at all I will get out to Groman's or some such place.. maybe make it into hollywood so I can see the freaks out on hollywood blvd?

I alnmost hate to say it, but I think I have had enough travel for a little while.. but liks I always say, if the incentive is strong enough, I'll do damn near anything.. I am such a ho.
(not really but in my mind, I am praticaly a porn star..)

1 comment:

  1. Buy me something, while you're there. There's a little shop hidden away that sells magazines, posters and books that are collector's items. Lots of horror stuff. Maybe you could find a Darkness Falls poster, Hah! I doubt it. Grab me some Evil Dead shit, bitch.

