My mate mal's latest parody.. well not his latest, but you know me, dyslexic as hell and typing with flippers.. GIVE A SEAL BOY A BREAK!
From : inyourfaceforbreakfast
THen in other Video news..
ohhh you touch my tra la la..
and still more....
YEs, Frankie still goes to Hollywood... remember RElax don;t do it..
and if you can't do it(again).. try Cialis...
For more fetish club action.. search this blog for the first Duke LAcrosse Private Eye story....
and last but far from least.. here is you invitation to...
take a walk on the wild side....
Hey Flipper! you should see my latest vid - "Stoner Mac". BTW...I just had a whinge to the Technorati Techie chick and they re-ranked me - 64,000 and 2 million links from 44 sites. Down from 125,000 with 90 links from 26 sites. Suck on that. Now I just need to get some more traffic. I was hoping a whole bunch of outraged gay cowboys might have stampeded through the place. But the best they can do is give me poor YouTube ratings, the pathetic pantiewaists. Mac is gay and Cancer is Cool.