Thursday, June 22, 2006

Duke Lacrosse Private Eye: Part 11 Saint's Blood.

I watched her through my swollen eyelids for as long as I could.. even her walk mezmorized me... it just spoke of sexuality under complete control... and she clearly had controll over me. Too bad I was going to be locked up forever, or given the chair ... I would have liked to see where this could have led, despite what I was starting to believe about her, I loved her.

A few moments later, I was alone, I heard one of my jailers, say
"Goodnight sweetheart", then I heard the door shut, and with a clank of
some big switch the lights went out..

It was dark.. not a nighttime darkness but an inky thick darkness,
completely absent of light. I suspected that after a moment or two my
vision would grow accustom to it, but it was just to dark.. I found
myself having dreams.. dreams while my eyes were open (as open as they
could be in their swollen condition that is) ..
It started as faces.. faces dancing in front of me.. I tried to blink
them away, but nothing in this blackness changed them.. I saw my face..
in a throw of ecstasy, I was looking upwards at myself.. as.. as... as
the countess must have seen me, when we were together last... then
there were other faces, each coming clearer and clearer now.. some male
some female.. some from that down low observation point, some at other
angles.. full on, a blonde woman, who looked scared.. another man, he
had a darker complexion, middle-eastern maybe, he looked like I had.. a
woman, with a look of delight on her face.. faster and faster they
started to come, clearer and clearer, so clear I thought I could read
their lips.. I felt the room starting to spin, and through the darkness
I could swear my cell walls were melting away, I felt free.. and the
faces kept coming.. there may have been 1000 of them.. all flashing
faster and faster.. the room spun.. and I felt my body going towards
flood.. I lay there, it was damp and cold, but for the moment all I
could do was hold on and watch this show... of horror and delight..
and pleasure, death and dying.. or was that life? The line between
death and life, I knew was now going to be blurred for a very long time
to come..

Over what may have been minutes, or hours, I cannot tell now, I started
to feel better.. the pain started to go away from my head and from my
body.. my breathing no longer felt like sharp glass fragments under the
skin and over the bones.. I reached up and touched my face.. it felt
like the swelling was nearly gone.. my nose was a bit crooked, or more
crooked than it had been at the beginning of the day, but hell I can
live with that.. I stood... it didn't hurt.. I jumped up a little.. it
didn't hurt... I turned and twisted and it didn't hurt!!!

Yes, I knew, or at least thought I knew what was happening, and I dared
not give the thought breath.. even now, I am reluctant to say what it
was that had happened to me.....

I don't know what time it was, but I found myself sleepy.. my heart
racing, and my mind was going a million miles an hour.. but still
came easily.

Some time later, I heard my jailers coming.. and I thought I could
them too.. "another side effect of my transformation" I wondered.

It was not the detective and the kid, it was two uniforms... "Come on
Duke, time for court" one said, as the light turned on and the door

They walked down the hall, and finally turned to look in at me.. "What
the fuck?" the taller of the two said.. "I heard they beat you pretty
senseless, but you .. you look.. fine?"

"Yea, well I own that dick something , but I feel fine.. thanks for
showing some tenderness." I sad with as much sarcasm as I could
I felt my face, it had a typical nights growth of whiskers, but other
than that, felt fine.. even my nose had seemed to straighten itself
to its usual crooked self.

I was allowed to clean up, grab a shave, and even rub a few stains out
of my shirt. I was tired ass all hell, but other than that I felt fine.

"Hey Duke, some dame claiming to be your lawyer, dropped this off for
you." That voice was officer Roberts a good guy, when I turned to look
at him, I thought I saw a kind of sympathy there in his eyes.
I was going to be arraigned on a double murder here in a few minutes,
I guess I should' a felt a little sorry for myself as well. Roberts was
holding my suit, it was cleaned and pressed, and in a bag that was
attached to the hanger I found my boxers, and socks, and shoes. She
thought of everything.

In a few moments, I was standing there ready to see the judge, Roberts
said he would escort me to the courthouse.. then the thought hit me..
daylight! "It's day time! I can't go out into the sun! I know what I am
now", even thought I didn't really feel much different.. . we walked to
the garage in t eh back of the building, I was cuffed, and shackled,
but not too tight, as soon as we were free of prying ears, Roberts said
"Hey Duke, who do you think, killed them girls in your room?"

"You don't think I did it?" I said smiling a little.

"Nah, I believe you fucked 'em both, you old bastard, but I don't think
you killed 'em." He said, stopping outside the door just inside the
He offered me a smoke, I took it.

"we got a few minutes" he said, offering a light. "Them bracelets too
I shook my head at him in the negative and took a long pull on the

"You pulled Judge Johnson, you know" he said.
"No shit?" I said.. Johnson was this town's hanging judge.
But really I knew I would get held over for trial, fuck they had me
to rights, what else could turn up, and who knows, maybe I will just
burst into flames the moment the over head door goes up and I get my
first dose of sunlight?

We finished our cigarettes in silence.
"You ready?" Roberts said squashing his cigarette butt with a twist of
his foot.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I said doing the same.

He walked me over to the car, put me in the back, and climbed in. A
signaled for the door to be opened, and it was... it raised up slowly
it's chain, letting daylight poor in, and then it hit me. I was scared
as all hell, and holding my breath... m eyes ached at it's brightness,
but nothing else happened?

It was a 12 block drive to the courthouse, and Roberts talked about
baseball and his kids, if I weren't in handcuffs and leg irons, it
have been easy to believe he was just giving me a lift to the store.

When we got to the court building, we came in the back way, where all
the criminals come in, I was ushered into the court room, I looked
around for the countess but did not see her. My stomach sank at that. I
was really hoping to see her here, for all I knew it might have been my
last chance to see that face, and that body...

I waited my turn, the sunshine in the windows made my eyes ache, but I
was feeling so tired, that my eyes may have been burning because of

My turn came. I walked up to the defendants table, to be joined by a
middle aged, fellow with a salt and pepper beard and receding hair
he looked like I imagine a "professor" would look.

"I am Mr. Bordeaux" he said all to properly for my liking, he grinned
he said this, he teeth were yellowed with age, and tobacco. (pipe
tobacco I imagine).

"Where's the countess?" I asked him..
"She as you have guessed sent me. I am to represent you in this matter,
I advise that you keep your mouth shut for now, and if all goes well
will see her later." At this my heart sped up, imagine, me falling for
her? Well pally I had fallen, and fallen hard, I didn't give a fuck
about all the things, I had learned about her, that may have made other
men run pulling their hair and loosing their minds..

"How do you plead" the judge said.

"We plead, not guilty" you honor said Bordeaux.

"Bond to be set at $10,000, trial date to be set out for 30 days." And
heard his gavel fall. I was stunned beyond words.

"I have arraigned Bond for you already. I will see you in 30 days? "
it was Bordeaux.

"huh? What the?? Huh?" was all I could squeeze out.

"You may leave now, Mr. Lacrosse. I imagine that there will be some
paperwork for you."
"uh yea??" I said still stunned.

I was expecting a bond of either unimaginable size or there to be no
bond at all, the later to be the more likely. Sure a bond of 10 large
was more that I could swing, but that only added to my shock, to hear
that it had been "taken care of".

I went to "the cage" signed myself out, and was told that I had to go
back to the jail to fetch my personals.

Roberts was hanging out in the hallway, bagging some time on the clock
imagine. I walked up to him, hoping to bum another smoke and maybe some
cash for taxi. My wallet was at the jail, and Bordeaux seemed to
disappear into the crowd before my head was clear enough to ask him for
a ride or some bank.

"Hey, need a ride?" Roberts said when he saw me approach.

"Yea, yea I do" I said

"I thought you might, come on." he said turning toward the back exit.

Once we had left the parking lot in the rear of the building and turned
toward the jail, I asked "So Roberts what's your steak in this thing?"

"Ah hell, I ain't got no steak. I heard you were in trouble with a
detective, and came to make sure nobody fucked you up too badly." Hell
was surprised to hear you were alive, after I heard about a beating he
supposedly gave you." I was asking about you at the precinct front
when some dame walked up to me and asked if I was a friend of yours, I
said, that we had had a laugh or two, when she said, "I need someone
here to make sure that nobody hurts him, I am his lawyer, and if nobody
is here, they may kill him." Then she said" I will pay you for your
services." I told her that she didn't have to pay me, but I had never
seen a lawyer that looked like she did.
"Duke that's one hot number there! She really a lawyer?" he asked.

"I don't know what she is." I had said it before thinking, "but Roberts
old buddy, I am going to find out."

This time we stopped in the front of the building.
"You want me to go in with you?" Roberts asked.

"yea, you better" I replied. I had no intention of getting in on
interrogation session.

Things went smoothly, right through check out.
I told Roberts; that I didn't think I was going to have any more
problems, and that I could call a cab.
He wished me well, shook my hand and leaned in to say so that only I
could hear. "Why do you think I told her that I did not need pay?" it
was a serious question.

"Well knowing her the way I do, I would have to say, that there ain't a
man on the earth that wouldn't do anything for her." I said with a

His brow knitted as if thinking hard on this.. he said "even kill?"
To be continued..

More Erotic Vampire books...

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