Monday, September 10, 2007

you know that all of those fine lades...

want me!
at lest that is what I tell myself...
you know it is a stroke sufferer that they want to make feel better... aint it.

Duke Lacross: He was going to cum... when the lights went out...

He awok is a strange place... the first thing he noited was his cloths were missing.

"great" he thougt "this aint exatly how I thougt it would end.

I imaged something blooder."

"you are not dead Mr. Lacrros." came a booming voice.

it was a man... Duke tried to look where the voice had come from only to find his head was chianed down... or up Duke haddent picked a direction yet.

His head was hurrting this he was shure of...

more later....

now a video...

ok that made no sence... but there you go...

lets try something differet...

now that make even less sence....

here you go...

that makes more sence don't it...

there ya go.


ok enuff...

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