Saturday, October 13, 2007

still morning

i have lost my keys! SOB!
time to go look a technori... no not for keys!

Noelia: The New Queen of Porn

[naked] [noeliamonge] [video] [adult] [porn] [youtube]
Labels: adult, naked, noeliamonge, porn, video, youtube

New Information Points the Finger at Noelia?s Boyfriend

New information has surfaced as to the leaking and profiting of Noelia’s now infamous sex tape. Her stepfather Topy Mamery, whom she’s accused of selling the video, is now claiming that her boyfriend and manager Jorge Reynoso is responsible for all the chaos.

According to Topy, following a three month investigation with the help of a company that specializes in Internet networks, it has been discovered that Jorge benefits financially from a website selling her leaked sex tape.

“Las compañías de Noelia no sólo la han perjudicado a ella, sino que han hecho pasar a su familia por los cuatro meses más tormentosos de nuestra vida”, aseveró el esposo de Yolandita Monge.

“The companies [benefiting] from Noelia not only have damaged her name, but they have also caused her family to undergo through four of the most stormy months of our lives,” assured Yolandita Monge’s husband [Topy Mamery].

Damn, this girl can’t seem to catch a break! This is like an episode of “Law and Order: SVU”. Everyone’s a suspect!

read more here

now i am not saying that if you go here you'll get to see it...

ok i am out a here...

or if you prefer....

now go buy something....

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