Saturday, June 14, 2008

Art exhibition for Pete's sake!


By Hayley Korn »

Artist Julia Nash is holding her second exhibition of paintings to raise money for her husband’s charity.

Julia, of Water Lane, Kings Langley, is married to Pete, who was diagnosed with an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) in his brain, a tangle of abnormal and poorly formed blood vessels the size of a lemon, in 2004.

West Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) refused the life-saving operation to cut the AVM from Pete’s brain, as they considered it “too risky”, but he went ahead with the operation in May last year.

Despite a legal battle against the PCT to recover the cost of the operation, which would be put back into Pete’s Fund, the couple have also been refused cover from their insurance company, which has not paid their Critical Life Insurance policy, forcing the family to put their home up for sale.

Julia, 42, a nail technician, launches her exhibition Love and Life on July 24, at Watford Museum until August 2 and from July 24 until September 5 in the Customer Service Centre at the Town Hall, with all profits going to Pete’s Fund.

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