Saturday, July 19, 2008

So last we left off.....I had an AVM


Double Entry Post

So I know you've been waiting for is the day....a comment on this post is worth 2 entries in the contest for a $25 gift certificate to The Loopy Ewe! We are 1/2 way done with the contest, so keep the comments coming!!!

My Story:

So last we left off.....I had an AVM.....and was off to see the brain surgeon (oh....maybe I forgot that part last time!) There are 2 ways to treat an or AVM was about the size of a half looked like brain surgery was in my future (YIKES!!!) We had a final test to do on July 25th to see if surgery was safe and scheduled surgery for the 26th. While waiting for the 25th I got hives from my seizure medicine.....went off seizure meds....fought through a lot of fear about having another seizure....needless to say I learned to depend on God as never before!!! He was definitely at work and never left me. Monday I will share some of the verses I really depended on at this time, but today is your day to share!!!

What is your favorite Bible verse and why???

So what has been on my needles? Here is a sneak peak!

Surprise,'s a sock! One down, one to go! This is a pic of the lace that runs down the top! It's gray, so....wonder who it could be for.....oh!!!! (I'm not sure this gray photographs very accurately....we'll see if I can get some daylight pictures later) The second sock will have to wait a couple of days to start....I had started a hat with this was too small....had to frog it last night.....after it had sat for a year....the yarn needs a bath....must wait for it to dry. In the mean time I'm going to work on my Secret Prayer Swap Sock and my spinning! (Might even cast on for DH's socks...we'll see)

Have a super weekend and be sure to leave a comment.....favorite verse and why.....or any other comment will do too...remember it is worth double!

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