Thursday, December 25, 2008

Two, plus stuff

With Condolences...

We've spent this week thinking about our friend and fellow music critic Tim Finn over at the Kansas City Star. Our hearts went out to Tim when we heard that his wife, Lauren Chapin, restaurant reviewer for the Star, suddenly collapsed while working out at the gym on Monday from what turned out to be a ruptured aneurysm. We learned this morning that she died on Wednesday. She and Tim have two teenage daughters.

Pitch restaurant reviewer Charles Ferruzza posted a tribute to Lauren this morning on Fat City. We at the Wayward Blog send our condolences to Tim and all the Finn-Chapin clan.



Sometimes the Lord just stops me and reminds me of how much I have to be thankful for! That happened recently when DH read this. A Kansas City food critic died of an AVM. I am so thankful that God's grace protected me and my AVM was removed. May we all take time this season to be thankful....for so many things....for life....for a Savior....for His grace!

Merry Christmas!
Yesterday I spent the entire day in BED! It felt real good!
My youngest son is having surgery tomorrow... it is for a bad tooth. The infection he had moved into his sinus. It ain't good.
Pray for him....

Well I have to go... Merry Christmas.

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