Please sign Andrew's guestbook

Hello friends and family!
I have a special request for all of you today! Please take a moment to go to Andrew's Caring Bridge site and sign his guestbook. With a brain AVM that was treated by craniotomy in 2008, the reoccurence has meant that his family is back in Arizona to fight this battle again.
Andrew will be in tomorrow for his second Craniotomy and is one tough kid! As you can see from his picture, he is ready for "round two" with this AVM and ready to completely knock it out!
Andrew really enjoys reading all the comments that are left and seeing where everyone is from. His goal is to reach 100,000 signatures!!! What a goal to make and I hope you will help him with this!
We created this site to keep our friends and family updated about Andrew.
Andrew is doing well given his experience. Mom, Dad, Adam and Juli made the trip to Riley in Indianapolis with him. Riley is an amazing place and Andrew is getting the best care possible.
On Tuesday at school after running the mile in gym, Andy began to feel sick. Dad picked him up from school and they went home to relax. After being home from school on Wednesday, Andy began to get a bad headache in the evening and Mom decided it was time to go to the emergency room. Once they arrived in the emergency room in Evansville a catscan revealed bleeding into the ventricles of his brain. It moved very quickly after that and they let Mom know that they had already contacted a neurosurgeon and were going to LifeFlight Andy to Indy.
Due to the thunderstorms they decided instead to send Andy in an ambulance to Indy. He was disapointed that he was not able to ride in the helicopter! Mom rode with Andy in the ambulance and Adam and Juli were there to meet them when they arrived in Indy. Dad followed soon after in the car.
Once at the ER they moved Andy to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) where he is now. Since he has been at Riley, they determined that the cause of the bleeding is a congential (at birth) brain problem called an AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation). Basically, the bloodvessels are in a tangle in a certain area of the brain and the built up pressure finally caused them to bleed. Google "AVM brain" to find out more information.
The doctors here are experienced with this rare condition and we are all working on an action plan to get Andy better.
On Thursday evening he had the first surgery to place a drain in the top of his head to relieve the pressure. When he woke up the next morning he was the brightest we had seen so far and he asked for a chesseburger and fries! He had a few fries and a couple sips of a milkshake. He stays in his bed as he is connected to lots of helpful machines but we have been getting movies from the Riley library to watch while he is awake for short periods of time. Right now we anticipate him being here at least a few weeks.
While Andrew is not able to receive phone calls in the ICU, we will be able to relay the messages that you leave for him here. While he is very sleepy, he gets up a few minutes at a time and responds to questions well.
If you would like to send mail to Andy, his address is:
Andrew Brown
You may wish to go visit that young man... Every thing is a pulse when your going through what he's going through.
I'm still torn when it comes to work. Half of me wants to quit... half of me wants to stay... so for now... I stay... but for how long... I don't know.
I am trying some stuff that is online to make money... but so far it is a bust.
Sure I make a couple of dollars with amazon... and with my affiliate programs... but it is only a couple of dollars. Yahoo is about the best... but even then it is only a couple of dollars.
I tell ya what... help me and I'll make your web site my number one on my list to promote.
okay some youtube for you...
R.E.M Losing My Religion (live)
here have some REM
One more?
R.E.M.-Orange Crush(Live)
Alright... time for me to go to my other blog site... I'll see you.
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