Monday, May 04, 2009

AVM news... about me... and Woodstock...

We Walked for AVM Awareness!

The walk was great!!! Albeit a tad cold and a little wet. It was still a wonderful event and I want to thank TAAF (with a special thanks to Angela) and Sports Basement for being so wonderful with putting this all together and giving us an opportunity to raise money and awareness for this rare condition. The AVM Survivors Network team raised over $10,000 for this cause! Go Team!!! Thanks to everyone who donated to my personal fundraising page. My goal was $500 and with your help I ended the effort with $900! Almost twice my original goal. What great people I have in my life!

Josh and I were very excited to meet our AVM friends/family on Saturday night, and then walking with them today. Ivanna, Doug, Nich, Matt, Kim, Dan, Justin, Jaclyn, Scott, Margie, Greg, Serene, Camellia, Jane, Mary, Greg's nephew & fiance and Margie's friend (sorry I forgot your names,) Jaimee & TJ and ALL of their blue hat supporters, Carolyn & her brother, as well as my family; Taryn, Jason, Jan, Dave, Pam, AK, Billy, Glenda, Trina, Kevin, Summer & Reese... thanks to everyone who came out this weekend to make this event memorable and to support and celebrate our "brainers!" This will be a memorable weekend for me and I have appreciated all of the support and friendship from everyone!

Click HERE for a slideshow of pictures from this weekend. I will be uploading additional pictures as I get them from the other walkers. So check back in a week or so to see more pics of this wonderful group of people.

The weekend went by so quickly and I'm sad that it is over! I can't begin to explain how important it has been to make these connections with other AVMers. And I know they all feel the same way. We share a bond from an unfortunate situation, but a special bond just the same.

If you look very closely you can see the Golden Gate was the backdrop for our walk!

I leave again on Wednesday for Denver with Jan as my travel partner. I am counting on these trips to continue on the "easy" path that I have been on for the last few, but know that the chance of a road bump is always there. I'm feeling strong and healthy, optimistic and content. Thanks to everyone who continues to keep me in their thoughts and prayers. I really do appreciate it.

I'll update again when I get back from Denver.


It's a great avm news thang... isn't it...

Okay where was I...
I went to go see a nephew-in-law who is being held by the state of Mi. He is about 9 hrs away. Is it fair.... you betca. He is sorry that he did what they say he did... he is a new man... BULLSHIT. I am sorry but he deserves his sentence. He ran from the cops... he had an accident... his little boy was in the car... he was high on crack.
The little boy was not hurt... luckily.
I have an aquantinsis with a crack web site... it is

Give him a look if you like...

Okay, what about me... I had a MRI... it shows no further bleeds... it is like an MRI I had back in 2007. I should be happy at the results... but I ain't.
I guess I wanted there to be a reason for my moods... and my feelings of doom... I guess there was... but I wanted something tangible... something I could wrap my hands around.

Result: Double up on Zoloft. See what happens. I know a few of you think of anti-depressants as a crutch. And maybe it is... But I have to tell you that they are a needed crutch right now.

okay gonna go... first have some youtube...

Woodstock 1969 - Matthews Southern Comfort

Country Joe McDonald - "Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die"

Crosby Stills Nash A Long Time Gone Woodstock 1969

okay got t go... see ya'

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