Saturday, May 16, 2009

AVM News...

another guy... check him out here.

Is An Avm Ever "Incidental"?

It is my understanding that it goes either one of two ways with avm's. That either your avm is small and therefore more likely to cause a hemorrhage. Or it's bigger and puts you at risk of developing seizures. Either of which would be monumental just in having the risk of having something so serious occur while behind the wheel of an automobile. My point is that I believe that my doctor may have wanted to sweep under the rug this "incidental" finding, by calling it as such. I had to convince him to show me an image from the mri, and when he did it was this little white form the size of maybe a dime in relation to the rest of the brain. I'm unaware that even big avm's are anything but nearly microscopic. I mean we're talking about capillaries here, no? The thing is I was going to this hospital cause it was free at the time, and they are over-booked, and he was finishing his boards or whatever so I don't think he wanted the stress of dealing with me and my hysterical nature. Plus I have a history of psychiatric disturbance, so furthermore he would probably be wary of taking on such a difficult case. I'm pretty sure I've got a major cns disorder that is worsening, even if it's schizophrenia. No one has diagnosed me as such, so it's not that I'm having trouble accepting that diagnosis or something. In fact, I see it as all the same. It's all just a state of mental decay reflective of physiological decay, in my arrogant opinion. What does anyone think about any of this. Thanks in advance.

Saxby R


Cerebral Hemorrhage

What EMS providers need to know about cerebral anatomy and common forms of cerebral hemorrhage

By Paul Murphy, MA, MSHA, EMT-P, Chris Colwell, MD, Gilbert Pineda, MD, FACEP, & Tamara Bryan, BS, EMT-P


This CE activity is approved by EMS Magazine, an organization accredited by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for Emergency Medical Services (CECBEMS), for 1.5 CEUs.

To earn your credits, sign up for this RapidCE course online or log in to your account directly at Or, to print and mail a copy, download the test here. The deadline to take this test is June 30, 2009.


  • Review the anatomy of the brain
  • Discuss intracranial hemorrhage
  • Discuss subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Review prehospital treatment of cerebral hemorrhage

Unit 6 responds to a call where law enforcement report that the patient was involved in an argument that turned into an assault. During the assault, witnesses saw the adult male being hit in the head and face several times with a baseball bat...




I don't have a clue what I'm doing today... I've got another blog account that I will be messing with.
Other than that... don't know.


Led Zeppelin Black Dog 1973

Led Zepelin - Stairway to Heaven

I'm gonna go... peace...

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