Brain Aneurysm / AVM support in Kansas City
May meeting
It was a beautiful evening last night. There was a warm breeze; the only thing missing were the palm trees and the ocean. It was a small meeting, only five of us there. However, we did accomplish some things! We agreed on our Mission Statement (which you can see on the heading of our blog). It was decided that we will have a picnic in July.......I hope you will come!! We also discussed having someone design a logo for us. It was just nice to sit and talk. I realized something while we were talking. I've thought previously that some of the survivors are completely recovered. Maybe I felt this because Terry is still such a long way from how he used to be. But I think that everyone has some sort of difference since their rupture. Of course, some are more pronounced but I'm sure there are subtle differences. I'm off for now - hopefully we will have more people in June!
no job...for me...
how about some youtube?
Peace Train by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
Well that is something... he may have turned to Islam... but hay give him a listen.
Bee Gees - How deep is your love (Live)
Jerry Garcia & Bob Weir - Letterman 1987 Part One
Jerry Garcia & Bob Weir - Letterman 1987 Part Two
Okay, it has been a long long day... I'm gonna pack it in... see ya'.If you cannot stand the youtube... please leave a message.
notice Jerry is missing the ring finger of his right hand...
ReplyDeletelost it in a war (wanting to say Vietnam but may have been Korea)
I never noticed it... strange.