Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This is American Idol... sorta

Two nights... what the H.
He sings Terrance Trence Darby (however you spell it)... he did okay...

Then Kris... He sings One Republic...

Then comes Adam... he sings U2...

They all do good...

There is many many commercials in between... they all suck.

Okay who's gonna be in the finals... right now I think it's gonna be.... Adam & Kris...

Danny Gokey.... he chooses Joe Cocker...

next is Kris... he chooses Heartless... by someone? Heartless, Canya did one version... (Jesus I can't spell and the spell checker is no help)

And then comes Adam... he chooses Aerosmith...

It is going to be a tough call...
Don't forget to vote!

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