Friday, July 10, 2009

AVM & me??

From the filmmaker of Life.Support.Music:

I wanted to let you know that my second film, Life.Support.Music., is going to be broadcast nationally on PBS tomorrow night (Tuesday, July 7th). In some areas (LA, Boston, Philly), it's airing on different days next week. You can check your local listing here .

Specifically, the film tracks a fantastic New York musician (Jason Crigler) as he remarkably recovers from a devastating (AVM) brain injury...but I think the film speaks to anyone facing a difficult medical crisis. For more information, here are the links to the PBS site and the film's web site:

And a few reviews:

"Phenomenal" Boston Globe

"Miraculous" Aspen Post

"Transcends one's perceptions of medicine, music, and even miracles" indieWIRE...


That's great!
go show him your support...

I am having to sell my house... I hope it goes... but I don't know where we are going to move...

This was sent to me... I like it...

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