Saturday, July 18, 2009

got two... AVM News.


It's been raining almost constantly here for two days now. The air pressure is causing head and body aches. I guess I'm gonna have to admit to aging at some point...but not quite yet. There's a lot more going on then just the normal aging process but it's not something I really discuss much. People who know me well know bits and pieces but I rarely just lay it all out there when it comes to my health issues. I've been that way for many years now...intensely private when it comes to sharing that information in any but the most surface of ways. I've been thinking a lot about that recently...thinking about why I'm so tight lipped about it...



Fame seeker Jason Napier out of surgery

Jason Napier, who sought fame before undergoing life-threatening surgery for a bleed on his brain, has had a successful operation.

Napier had said the one thing he wished for before he underwent surgery was to become famous, saying he had always craved the spotlight.

So he set up the Make Jason Napier Famous page on social networking site Facebook, which when he began nearly a month ago, only had about 100 followers...




I am tired today... so I will keep this short.

Today... was ok (I'm Tired)... yesterday was fabulous... I stayed up... I had a regular conversation with a friend. Stayed up until 10:00.

Three Stooges: Curly's Sweater

The Three Stooges pull a tooth out

Okay I'm gonna go to sleep... for a while.
Good night....

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