Wednesday, July 01, 2009

One AVM Story... and me...

Perhaps I should back-track and talk about how we arrived at brain surgery as The Choice. All the websites and the research I’d done on AVMs thus far yielded 3 options on AVM treatment: embolization, radiation, or microsurgery. Because each AVM is unique in size, location, and involvement of blood vessels, and because each patient is different in age, ability, and health status, no two AVMs can be approached in the same manner. Some are completely inoperable, while others are relatively easily corrected with little side effects. It all depends. That’s where Dr. Zager came in. Dr. Hart could diagnose me, and even tell me the options that were widely available, but it was Dr. Zager’s expertise that allowed him to look at my MRA and MRI scans and say I needed brain surgery. He also said that embolization would be used in conjunction with the craniotomy.

read more here...


Me: I forgot my medicine one night. (anti-depression) I felt off... and today I am super sleepy.
I am trying to catch up.

It is a shame that I am dependent on these...
oh well...
now I give you youtube...

Led Zepelin - Stairway to Heaven

ok I'm going to go... take a nap...

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