This is just my little place in the world to blog about whatever comes to mind. I plan to review books, movies, music, bands, bars food and restaurants, along with my wife, step sons, marriage past and present, anything is fair game! and AVM's
Saturday, July 04, 2009
nothing in the form of AVM's so horray there.
'Til Tuesday - VOICES CARRY - Live 1985 Aimee Mann
that's it...
Good by
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Some AVM News... and me...
Hereabouts: West Carrollton senior overcomes two surgeries
That Carin Bell graduated in the top 10 percent of her class at West Carrollton High School with a 3.9 GPA isn’t surprising.
She’s always been known for dedication to her education.
But it isn’t so much what she accomplished during her high school years as what she managed despite some serious difficulties....
Me... still feel like s#it... I don't know whats going on... but I really feel like s#it!
here have some youtube...
1994 Nellis super secret UFO sighting
Hay I know... but I like them... (UFO)
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
wow, don't do this!!!
...and I have a headache from hell!
It gets me behind the left eye... it is what happened with a bleed... now I think it just comes on... I can't see in part of my vision. It's weird.
if you feel like it... go visit my ebay...
click here
it is my eBay page... shows all of my eBay things...
lets see what is on youtube... shall we?
Wall of Voodoo - Funzone (1983)
ummm not DEVO... I don't think.
they have there own sound...
One AVM Story... and me...
Dr. Zager, Dr. Zager
Perhaps I should back-track and talk about how we arrived at brain surgery as The Choice. All the websites and the research I’d done on AVMs thus far yielded 3 options on AVM treatment: embolization, radiation, or microsurgery. Because each AVM is unique in size, location, and involvement of blood vessels, and because each patient is different in age, ability, and health status, no two AVMs can be approached in the same manner. Some are completely inoperable, while others are relatively easily corrected with little side effects. It all depends. That’s where Dr. Zager came in. Dr. Hart could diagnose me, and even tell me the options that were widely available, but it was Dr. Zager’s expertise that allowed him to look at my MRA and MRI scans and say I needed brain surgery. He also said that embolization would be used in conjunction with the craniotomy.
Me: I forgot my medicine one night. (anti-depression) I felt off... and today I am super sleepy.
I am trying to catch up.
It is a shame that I am dependent on these...
oh well...
now I give you youtube...
Led Zepelin - Stairway to Heaven
ok I'm going to go... take a nap...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I don't belive it!
I wonder if it was one of those posters to the comment section that always leaves us spam?
There was no news in the AVM front .... yeaaaaa!
so you get youtubed....
there ya go...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Facial AVM...
Support Group Team!
Hi Everyone!
How are you? My brother-in-law Jim was just saying that he thought I was doing pretty well, since I hadn't written anything on my blog! Unfortunately I've just been dragging and apparently too drowsy to sit and write! I've been having some problems controlling my pain these days and all the meds I take make me very sleepy! The area near the hole in my ear is really looking bad - very scabby! I haven't been able to get in to see Dr. Zane (ENT) because he is on vacation! He would be debriding the scabbing. I've had lots of drainage from my ear too - goopy stuff, ugh! Gross! Yes folks, this is my life right now! I also haven't been able to see my favorite nurse, Noel @ woundcare because of some changes in the office he works in! Went in a couple weeks ago to find that Noel could not see me, because he only worked for the other doctor in that wound care group! Needless to say I was extremely upset! I was able to switch to the other doctor - but when I arrived for my appt. the following week - I was told Noel was on vacation, so I left! Well now the new doctor I was going to see was upset because I left and now she refuses to see me! The former doctor I was seeing agreed to see me, but now I'm being told that I cannot be guaranteed Noel and I may have to wait until he sees all his other patients, before he can see me! Not sure how that's going to work out, but we'll see on the 2nd of next month!
more to read....
The Facial AVM patient above is typical of a facial AVM case. Her's is a little large.
Steve Martin Magic
That's funny!
good bye for now...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
AVM News
Aqua Therapy
Yesterday, I did water therapy for the very first time. Jay and Cousin Natalie came as a way of showing support. Sadly, the same issues that plague my body out of the water plague me in the water. There is one notable difference: the consequences! If you fall in the pool, it does not matter as much! I am so excited to keep up this therapy and get closer and closer to my ultimate goal: TO WALK AGAIN!
Putting on a swimsuit and getting in a pool were amazing. The last time I was in a swimming pool was the Friday (April 18, 2008) before my AVM rupture on the 21st. Jay and I took James to swim at Pepperdine’s pool. It was one of his first times to swim, and he loved it. Interestingly, right after we were done swimming, I felt incredibly strange and very faint and I almost couldn’t walk. It quickly passed, and I didn’t think too much of it (an allergic reaction?, morning sickness again!?) but now, I know that it was the beginning of my AVM rupturing.
That could have easily been my last time to take my baby swimming. James loves the water so much now. My mom takes him swimming in the pool at her apartment in LA, and he cries when he has to get out. I now feel like one day, after I get more stable in the water, I can experience that joy with him again. There is something so healing about the water to me. I am so happy to be back in it again!